Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Season 14 Week 6

Correction: There were only 11 people

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Season 14 Week 5

This week the VPL hosted 12 people.

Don't let the low numbers fool you. This week had some of the best poker we've seen in weeks. Despite only having 12 people (with weeks having 17, 16, and 14). You would think this would make for a quick evening........quite the opposite.

This week the tournament did not end until the blinds reached 400-800. This is quite the feat with only 12 people.

Of course we start at the bubble. Week 5 had some very strategic play on the bubble. The four people were: Clay, Bill, TC and Michelle.

It seemed like blinds were being traded back and forth. Chips were being passed back and forth. Michelle can milk a shortstack like no other.

I personally tried to take her out twice only to double her up both times. But finally in the end, it was Michelle who left the final table in 4th place.

Then it was I who had to make my exit from week #5 in 3rd place with a $30 win.

Heads up: Bill and Clay (they both have previously qualified).

Finally with the blinds at 400-800, it was time to finish the tournament. Clay was the last man standing this week. For his 1st place finish he took home $102 and Bill's 2nd place finish helped him get $51.

The points have now been updated through week 5. Check the right hand side.

After week 5, there are 9 people qualified for the TOC.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you next week.

***If you would like to have your name added to the reserved seating contact TC****

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Season 14 Week 4

August 5, 2008

The die hard poker players are found here at the Valley Poker League.

This week mother nature wasn't the nicest. It was a downpour on tuesday night, including some small hail.

But this didn't stop people to come and put their skills to the test to win this weeks championship.

After mother nature through some of her wettest weather, 16 people made it to play poker.

This marks the halfway point for season 14. Here are the highlights.

On the bubble were: Vicky, Scott, Bill and Todd.

Scott was the one who pulled the needle out and popped the bubble going out in 4th

The next to make their exit from the felt was Todd with a 3rd place finish and a $40 win.

Heads up and two new qualifiers: Vicky and Bill

Vicky went into the battle with more ammunition that Bill. Bill made some very strategic moves. Some curious folds and bold raises.

With his strong plays, he was the one who ended up the victor.

Vicky played a very impressive game which handed her a 2nd place finish and

Bill's victory earned him the chip as well as $136.

Both Bill and Vicky and qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations to everyone. Check the points to the right.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Season 14 Week 3

sorry folks, no video this week.

This week at the VPL 14 people got together to see who could take it down.

2 tables, 14 people but only one will be the last man standing.

bubble time came down to TC, Jason, James and Alan.

It was James who popped the bubble this week with the 4th place finish.

TC was next to leave in 3rd place with a $35 win.

Jason took $60 for his 2nd place finish. It was Alan, once again, on top. His 1st place finish earned him $119 and the chip.

Also, Alan won last week as well. This puts Alan in the drivers seat in the points.

The points have been updated to the right.

Good luck everyone to everyone.