Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Season 18 Week 1

What a way to kick off Season 18. The Season says it all. That's right, this week at the VPL
there were 18 people who sat down at the felt to try their luck at making some money.

Of course, not everyone who sits down makes money.

We had two new faces at the VPL this week: David and Angela.

I hope they both had fun and hope to see them again.

Okay, let's get the summary started: Bubble time:

The four players were: Frank, Angela, Quentin and Steve.

The one who popped the money bubble was, season 17 TOC winner, Quentin. He left the table in 4th place.

That's time!

Steve, Angela and Frank

Who would be the two players to qualify for the TOC?

Someone had to take 3rd place and that someone was Angela. She exited the table in 3rd place with a win of $46.

Congratulations to Angela for making the money on her debut at the VPL.
**sidenote: To everyone else in the VPL, If this girl continues to play this way, we all will have to step up our game.

Heads up action brought together Steve and Frank.

After 2 hands the tournament was over.

Frank took 2nd place with a win of $76.

Steve won Week 1 of Season 18 with a win of $153 and the first chip.

Congratulations to both Steve and Frank for being the first two players to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone and we will see you next week.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Season 17 Tournament of Champions

There were 13 people who were qualified to have their chance to win a TOC for the Valley Poker League.

Everyone who had qualified showed up.

For the TOC, there are 4 places paid.

That means that are 5 people on the bubble. This season those people were:
Clay, Ryan, Todd, Quentin and Brian.

This TOC had to have some pop the money bubble. This TOC it was, Brian who had to leave the table in 5th place.

Money time:
Todd, Ryan, Quentin and Clay

This group was interesting because there were two people who were chasing a bracelet (Ryan and Quentin.)

The other two (Todd and Clay) both have 2 bracelets each. They each were going for a 3rd bracelet to tie James.

4th place position was filled by Ryan who left with a win of $63.

It was Todd who saw his time to leave the table. He left the felt in 3rd place with a win of $94.

Heads-up: Quentin and Clay

Quentin is chasing his first bracelet and Clay is chasing his 3rd bracelet.

Both very good players with alot of very good play.

The chips were finally pushed over to the winner............................

Congratulations to...........................Quentin.

He won the TOC for season 17 with a win of $314. He also now owns a bracelet.

Clays 2nd place finish earned him $157.

Congratulations to everyone who made money.

Don't forget that the next tournament for La Bamba is 4-11-0.

Hope to see everyone for season 18.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Season 17 Week 8

This week has concluded season 17.

This was the last chance to qualify for the TOC.

We had two full tables of people trying for that coveted #1 spot.

The VPL hosted 16 people for the final week of season 17.

Bubble time: Clay, Alex, TC and Todd

This was quite a battle for the 4. Each person was either trying to take someone out or trying to survive.

This week it was Todd who would go out in 4th place and pop the infamous money bubble.

Money time: Clay, Alex and TC.

Interesting note: If Clay were to win this week, he would tie the record for most wins in a season. That record is 4. It has happened only a few times before.

In order to find out if Clay completed this task.................. you must read on.........

Clay and Alex had already qualified for the TOC. TC had not qualified by placing 1st or 2nd.

TC and Alan are 1st and 2nd to qualify for the TOC by points.

If TC would happen to take 1st or 2nd in tonights tournament, this would mean that another person would get bumped into position for the TOC.

For week 8, it would be TC finding his time to exit the table in 3rd place with a win of $40.

This means that there are 13 people qualified for the TOC. Names to be listed at the end.

Heads up: Clay and Alex

Clay went into this battle being the chip leader.

The blinds started at 200/400.

There was very good poker playing. There wasn't very many big hands. They played their cards and positions very well. Both men showed an extreme amount of patience.

This tournament last a very long time (for only having 16 people). The tournament itself didn't end until around 12:30.

Notice.....................I've been drawing out the conclusion of the tournament for drama sake.

OK: Would Clay win and tie the record or will Alex make a comeback and win week 8?

The chips were passed back and forth..................until the final all-in and the final call.

Once the river was shown, all the chips were passed to the winner................who was..........................Alex!

Alex won week 8, the chip and $136. Clay's 2nd place finish won him $68.

Congratulations to Clay for winning the points for season 17. His points win netted him $245.

Congratulations to everyone.

TOC Qualifiers are: Clay, TC, Alan, Michelle, James, Frank, Alex, Ryan, Todd, Bill, Quentin, Joe, and Brian

Interesting side note: Out of the top 3 people in points, the #2 spot and #3 spot never qualified by taking 1st or 2nd in any given week.

PS: For everyone who saw the news report last night about poker tournaments. They failed to mention that a Colorado judge has ruled that poker is a game of skill. Poker does not fall into the Colorado gambling statute.

Hope to see everyone in Swink this Saturday.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Season 17 Week 7

Can it get any better than the VPL..............the answer is NO!

Once again, 18 people put their money into the pool in hopes of getting it back.

As always only 3 people get money each week.

Season 17 has proven to set good numbers (attendance) for the VPL.

And now for the story everyone wants to read about: The bubble.

The bubble contained the following members: Ryan, Frank, TC and James.

This week it was our veteran player James who reached into his bag of tricks to pull the pin to pop the bubble. He exited the table in 4th place.

Money time included: Ryan, Frank and TC

It was TC who lost his all-in bet to a 4 card flush. (For the record, I was leading the hand all the way......but that's besides the point. LOL).

With a 3rd place finish, TC earned $46 for his effort.

Heads up: Ryan and Frank

This was a very interesting heads up. Within the first 5 hands, Ryan got pocket jacks, pocket queens and Big Slick all back to back to back.

In the end, Ryan received around 7 pocket pairs and about 2-3 AK. Crazy!

Unfortunately for him, this wasn't enough to ward off Frank.

Ryan took 2nd place and won $76.

Frank won the chip and $153.

Congratulations to both Ryan and Frank for qualifying for the TOC.

At the end of week 7, there are 13 people qualified for the TOC.

Clay is killing season 17 with points.

Next week is the final week for season 17.

Congratulations to the qualifiers and good luck to everyone next week.