Thursday, April 23, 2009

Season 18 Week 5

This was the week to play at the VPL.

Week 5 had a total of 19 players sit down and battle it out for the money.

Sidenote: because the VPL has had 18 players pretty consistently, it was brought up to add another table and play 3 tables of 6. We would draw for three tables at the beginning of the night. Think about this and we'll talk about it next week.

Okay, on to the action.

Since there were 19 players, it took a while to get to the final table as well as the bubble.

The four players this week on the bubble were: Quentin, Alan, David and Jeremy.

This week it was Alan who popped the money bubble.

Money time: Quentin, Jeremy and David.

Quentin was the first to leave this trio of poker players. For his 3rd place finished, Quentin received $50.

Heads-up: Jeremy and David.

The heads up actions didn't last that long.

As the final card hit the river, the winning hand was shown.

That winning hand belonged to Jeremy. Jeremy's 1st place finished got him qualified for the TOC, the chip as well as a $160 cash prize.

David's 2nd place finish grossed him $80. David had previously qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations to Jeremy for his 1st victory at the VPL.

Also with Quentin's 3rd place finish, it has brought him within 1 point of the points leader. So

far, Michelle has been able to stay above the crowd but will she be able to see it to the finish.

Come next week to find out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Season 18 Week 4

The night: 4-14-2009

This night brought together 18 very good poker players.

Once again, The VPL was host to 18 players battling their way for the money, chip and their chance to qualify for the TOC.

This week proved to be the week for the river. Hand after hand was cracked on the river. Early in the tournament, three pairs of kings were busted.

One hand saw an ace on the river to take out two people at once. The river was brutal this week at the VPL.

After a few hours of play brings us to everyone's favorite spot.........the bubble:

Michelle, once again, proved she is one of the better players at making a short stack last. 6 way action, she was one of the short stacks and was able to be one of the four players in the buble action.

This weeks 4 contenders were: David, George, Quentin and Michelle.

This week, the person in charge of the bubble popping was Quentin going out in 4th place.

Money time:
David, George and Michelle.

Proving, that she is a force to be reckoned with, Michelle exits the table in 3rd place with a win of $46.

Heads-Up: David vs George.

Going into this battle George had almost exact 2:1 chip lead over David.

With all-in from David, after hitting top pair (jacks) on the board, George quickly called and showed an over pair (queens).

The river wasn't cruel on the final hand. George's queens held up and David took 2nd place with a win of $76.

George's 1st place finish won him the chip and $153.

David has now qualified for the TOC. George had previously qualified.

Congratulations to George, David and Michelle for making the money this week.

Upon completing week 4, Michelle has now extended her points lead to 7.

Halfway done with Season 18. How will it end? Come next week and find out.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you for week 5.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

La Bamba Tournament 4-11-09

La Bamba hosted a poker tournament where 21 people ponied up their hard earned money for their shot at prize money.

La Bamba lounge has always been a good host for poker tournaments. This weekend was no different. The tournament had 3 tables of 7 people.

There was a combination of players from the VPL and some new faces.

This tournament paid out 4 spots.

We start this blog off just like every other blog...........on the bubble.

Jared, George, James TC and Angela.

TC was the one who popped the bubble and after hours of play received nothing for his play. LOL

Money time: George, James, Angela and Jared

4th place belonged to Jared with a $52 win.

After some hard play and passing chips, it was time for the 3rd place position to be named. That honor went to Angela with a $78 win.

Heads-up: George and James.

Both very good players. With any tournament there is room for only one person at the top. With that, 2nd place went to George along with $131.

Congratulations to James for winning the 2nd tournament this year at La Bamba.

For James' 1st place finish, he won $262.

Thanks to everyone who came and played.

Congratulations to those who made the money.

Hope to see everyone at the next tournament.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Season 18 Week 3

This week the VPL hosted two full tables of players.

16 people gathered together for their fight for glory. Only 3 people will be able to share the money and only 1 person can be titled champion.

So let's begin.

bubble time:

Jared, Quentin, Michelle and Clay.

This week it was Michelle who reached into her bag of tricks to pop the bubble.

She exited the table in 4th place.

Money time:

Quentin, Clay and Jared.

Going into this 3 way battle, Jared was the short stack. Clay and Quentin two large stacks.

A big hand insued between Quentin and Clay.

An all-in and call was cause for the chips to be pushed to the center and the cards to be turned over.

By the time the river hit, it was Clay who was holding a winner. He had Quentin outchipped.

Quentin left the table in 3rd place with a win of $40.

With that, the clock stopped and we got ready for heads-up action between Clay and Jared.

At this point, Clay had a big chip lead against Jared.

The blinds were 200-400. They were just too big for Jared to hang on. The tournament ended and Jared took 2nd place with a win of $68.

Clay won the tournament, the chip and $136.

Congratulations to both Clay and Jared for qualifying for the TOC.

With Michelle's 4th place finish, she edges out TC for the chip lead by 1 point.

We'll see everyone next week for week 4.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Season 18 Week 2

Season 18 has lived up to its name once again. 18 players came together at the VPL to take their shot at the money.

This weeks game was filled with alot of action. Also, this season caused a new rule to be introduced..........more on that later.

Everybody's favorite spot the bubble:

George, Michelle, Alex and TC.

This is how the action went down to pop the bubble.

Blinds: 200/400

Button: TC 400 chips, SB: Michelle around 2000, BB: Alex 400 chips and then chip leader George with around 14,000.

George is first to act and folds.

Action is on TC. He has 1 bet left. and Alex is all-in in the BB.

Tournament thinking comes into play here. What to do? If Alex gets busted in the BB, TC makes the money, however, If Alex wins the hand he will have chips and then TC will be all-in in the BB in two hands.

TC looks down to see Q6, he shoves all-in. Michelle calls 200 and Alex is already all-in.

1200 in the pot.

Cards are flipped: TC has Q6, Michelle shows K5 and Alex shows 96.

Michelle goes to the flop leading.

The flop comes rags. Michelle is still leading after the flop. She is just waiting to bust Alex and TC to get heads-up and Qualify for the TOC.

The turn is another brick. Michelle has this hand sewn up.

Don't count it dead yet, as the river turns a Q is revealed. This river pairs TC and takes Alex out in 4th place with no money.

Money time: TC, Michelle and George.

Of course with only 3 bets left, TC is taken out next. TC leaves the table in 3rd place and $46.

Heads-up: Michelle and George

Last season showed that when it came to heads up action, it would be around 10 hands before the tournament was over.

This was just the oppositve of the action in week 2.

Coming into heads up, George had Michelle outchipped around 14,000 to 4,000.

Starting heads up the blinds were still 200-400.

Michelle had to play the best poker to stay in as long as possible.

That's exactly what she did. She made in through 300-600 blind level and into 400-800.

As anyone in the VPL will testify, Michelle is one of the best short stacked players in the league.

She proved this in week 2. The tournament ended at the blind level 400-800.

When it was all said and done, it was George who took 2nd place with a win of $76.

Michelle played excellent poker with amazing patience. She won the tournament and the chip. For her 1st place finish she won $153.

Although we started late, the tournament was one of the longest. The tournament finally ended around 12:45am.

Congratulations to George and Michelle for qualifying for the TOC.

The points lead difference is only 2 points with 4 people.

Hope to see everyone for week 3.

Current Rule: If two players go out on the same hand, the player with the most chips gets the points (and money is applicable).

Amendment: If two players go out on the same hand with the same amount of chips. The two players with split the points (and any money if applicable).

this could have happened when the bubble popped had Michelle won the hand.