Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Season 21 Week 5

This week was a bit cozier at the VPL.

There were 19 people who put it on the line for their shot at victory and fame.

Some regulars didn't show up..................I think they were scared!

Everyone knows that the poker at the VPL can be very volatile.

Week 5 provided two full tables of great poker action.

Without any further distractions:

Bubble time:
This weeks list contained 4 names:

This list also contains only 1 previous qualifer (Mark).

There will be at least one new qualifer.

Frank, Randy, Mark and Alan

It was Randy who left the table in 4th place.

That means the next list contains.................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Frank, Mark and Alan

The winner of $48 and 3rd place was Frank.

Heads-Up: Mark and Alan

Thanks to Frank for dealing the heads-up match.

The chip lead kept changing hands in this competition.

The tournament ended at 400/800.

In 2nd place with a tournament earnings of $80 was............................Alan

That means in 1st place, the chip, and $161 was Mark.

Congratulations to Alan for being the next person to qualify for the TOC.

The points race just got a little tighter this week.

Joe is only ahead by 2 points with 3 more weeks left in the season.

Can Clay catch Joe?

Will Joe win the seasons points?

Will there be any new qualifiers?

Do these questions remind anyone of the TV show SOAP.

If you answered yes, then you are showing your true age.

Those of you born after 1987 don't have a clue about the reference. HA HA!

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Season 21 Week 4

Half way through season 21 at the VPL with 22 people who took their chances and sat down to play this game we call poker.

This week was truly the game of poker, this weeks heads-up battle was one of the craziest that we have seen to date.

I want to thank everyone who comes before 7:15. We have been able to draw for seats at 7:30.

As soon as we get 10 physical players we draw for first two tables. Kudos for everyone who was on time. Of course the more the merrier at 7:15.

Now onto the report.

This week we start the story off with 5 names: Bill, Joe, Clay, David and Cory

This week the person who went out in 5th place was David.

Coming into the bubble was with an extremely short stack was Joe. Some creative playing and folding, he was able to squeak into the money. Nice playing.

Money time: Bill, Joe, Cory and Clay

With a 5th place already being filled, we now have to fill the 4th place slot.

Don't worry, the VPL doesn't disappoint. We have a name for 4th. That name is Cory.

Exiting the table in 4th place, Cory won $29

It was then time for Joe to say goodbye in 3rd place with a win of $37.

Heads-up: Bill and Clay

Clay has previously qualified and Bill is a new qualifier.

This heads up was wild. There would be an all-in and a call, only to be saved by the river.

This happened to both players. In this heads up battle it seemed that you wanted the worst hand going into it because it was that hand that would hit.

at this point, there are around $22,000 in play. At any one time it wasn't surprising to see one person bet $8,000 only to have it re-raised all-in and called.

The heads-up battle lasted quite a long time.

The tournament ended at 500/1000 at around 1:15am.

In the end, there can only be one.

This week, having to settle for 2nd place with a win of $93 was Bill.

That's right! It was Clay who was victorious in week 4 with a win of $187.

With this win, Clay's VPL winnings for 2009 have exceeded $2,000.

Congratulations to Bill for qualifying this week.

There are now 7 qualifiers for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone next week. Will the VPL continue to put up such impressive numbers?

Only one way to find out. Come and play.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Season 21 Week 3

Is there anything left to say about the VPL that hasn't been said before?

I will give it a try.

Week 3 into season 21 has, once again, tied the all time attendance record at 23.

At the first break, there were only 2 players gone.

Plus 2 regular members were not present.

There was a time when I hoped for two full tables (16 players) and now we are on the verge of three full tables (24). MAXIMUM CAPACITY.

If we get more players we may have to go with an alternate status.

25th player might have to wait for someone to get busted before he/she can play. More on that later.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

The VPL always shows great poker playing (maybe not always great character).

This week was no different. This week the river was very picky.

For some, it was a lifesaver and for others it was a reason to start cussing.

This week's poker tale begins at everyone's favorite spot................BUBBLE TIME:

This week there were 5 players name on this list: Randy, TC, Clay, Jared and Alan.

According to the rules of the VPL with attendance of 21 and over, there are 4 payouts which means 5th place will go home empty handed.

This week, the 5th place spot went to Jared.

MONEY TIME: TC, Alan, Randy and Clay

This money list will have two new qualifiers.

Making his way off the table in 4th place and a win of $31 was Alan.

Having to bow out gracefully (well not so gracefully) was TC in 3rd place with a win of $39.

HEADS-UP: Clay and Randy.

This was quite the battle with both players being very good poker players.

In the end there can only be one winner.

So ending week 3 in 2nd place with a win of $97 was Clay.

The winner of week 3, the chip and $195 was Randy.

Congratulations to both Randy and Clay for qualifying for the TOC.

This week proved to be very tough because the tournament ended at 500/1000 level after 1:15 am.

It has been said before and I will say it again, the VPL is the place to play poker.

Good Luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Season 21 Week 2

The VPL relaxed a bit this week, playing host to 19 players.

We did run two tables. Don't let the fact that we didn't have 3 tables this week fool you.

I'm proud to say that we got the cards flying around 7:43 (not too shabby because of the really late starts last season. That problem has been remedied).

You would think that the smaller amount of people, the quicker the tournament will end.

That would be the case in a normal tournament. The VPL is not your normal tournament.

This week the blinds were capped (500/1000) and the tournament didn't end, again, until after 1am.

This week's winner you know you're going to have to keep reading to find this out.

The magic bubble. This week the following names appeared on this list: Joe, James, Brian and Quentin.

Along with the needle to pop the bubble, it was Brian who manged his way into 4th place.

Money time: Quentin, James and Joe

This week the battle was in the money. These players would not give up. One would double up. The stacks would get low and then just as quickly rise up once again.

This 3 way battle was very long and every one of these people earned their money this week.

3rd place needed a name..............and it got one. Joe was the person to exit the felt in 3rd place with a win of $48.

Head's-up: Quentin and James.

An interesting scenario. Different players with different attitudes.

But in the end, there can only be 1.

It was James who had to settle for 2nd place with a win of $80.

This made Quentin the winner of week 2, the chip and $161.

Here is what made this a real cinderella story. At one point, Quentin was down to $200. Went all-in to triple up to $600 (the blinds at this time were 300/600)

He tripled up and then he doubled up. Then came back to win the entire tournament. If I hadn't witnessed this with my own two eyes...........hard story to beleive.

Congtratulations to James and Quentin for being the newest players to qualify for the TOC.

At the VPL, expect the unexpected and believe the unbelievable.

This is the place where poker stories (good and bad) are born.

Good luck to everyone next week.