Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Season 25 Week 3

This week the VPL hosted 2 tables of great poker action.

17 players sat down, put their money on the line for a shot at glory.

One would think that 2 tables would be a fast tournament.

On the contrary, the tournament did not end until the blinds reached 500-1000.

The points race has heated up.

There was a 3 way tie going into week 3.

No the difference between 1st place and 2nd place is only 2 points.

The bubble list contained the following names:

Jeremy, TC, James and Angela

Bubble play is a different type of animal.

Some would say start pushing while other philosphies read to be patient.

What is the correct way to play?

The beautiful thing about poker is that there is no one answser for this question.

One doesn't know what they will do until they are put into this position.

Going out in 4th place, popping this weeks bubble was Angela.

We are now in the money.

TC, Jeremy, and James.

TC goes out in 3rd place with a win of $43 when his pocket 7's are out drawn by James' pocket 2's.


Jeremy and James

These two players have previously qualified, there will be no new qualifers this week.

At the end, there was only one man standing with all the chips and the money.

This week, going out in 2nd place, with a win of $72 was..........................James.

Which means, to the victor go the spoils.

Jeremy wins 1st place with the chip and $144.

Jeremy took 2nd place last week and 1st place this week.

Always excellent poker action at the VPL.

Only way to win is to play.

Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

$15 Re-buy tournament

Friday night 7pm

Mark's garage

The $15 re-buy tournament is back!

plus the $5 add-on.

unlimited re-buys through the first 4 levels.

Season 25 Week 2

This week the VPL saw a dip in the numbers.

With some unfortunate situations for many people this week, the number of players dipped down to 18 players.

We started with 3 tables of 6.

Once again, do not mistake the small number of players for no action.

There was plenty of action.

I have to admit that this week, the river was not my friend at all (example later in the blog)

The rule states that if there are less then 21 players there will be no money to the Holiday Inn.

There were 4 the places paid (the 4th place going to the Points/TOC).

There were no new qualifiers this week.

There were four names on the bubble list:

Quentin, Jeremy, Bart and TC

Being short stacked, there was an all-in and the infamous "Call".

At the end, it was Quentin who went out in 4th place.

This, my friends, brings us to the money list:
Jeremy, TC and Bart

The hand went something like this:

Pre-flop raise by Bart, TC thinks..............then says "all-in"

Bart called. Bart had $6100 and TC had $6400

The cards are flipped: TC shows AK and Bart shows 77.

Flop came rags, Bart still leading, the turn came and Ace, TC bursts into the lead

only to the see the river hit a 7!

Next hand TC was out in the blind.

TC's 3rd place finish earned him $45

Heads-Up: Jeremy and Bart

Going into this battle Bart is chip leader.

Very good poker action with this heads up.

Although in the end, Jeremy just didn't have enough ammunition to hold off Bart's attacks.

Jeremy ended the night in 2nd place with a win of $76.

That means that Week 2 belonged to Bart. For his victory he walked away with the chip and $153.

Congratulations to both Jeremy and Bart at becoming the 2nd pair to become qualified for the TOC.

There is now a 3 way tie for the points.

Who will jump into the lead next week?

How many players will be playing next week?

The one thing that is for certain is that there will be crazy plays and even crazier calls but always excellent poker action.

See you next week!

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

La Bamba Tournament


June 19, 2010

12:00 noon

$30 buyin
an optional donation of $5 will get you $300 more in starting chips.

Season 25 Week 1

The VPL is back!

After a two week hiatus, the poker action at the VPL is back!

The new season started of with a modest 23 people.

With the two week ticket bonus and this week play, there are a number of more names that have been added to the Holiday Inn tournament.

Just because there was a break in action doesn't mean there was a break in tournament strategy.

The cards were dealt and the people made their decisions on how to play them.

Some were good decisions and some................well let's just say they could have picked better spots.

All this brings us to our favorite spot.........the bubble list:

The VPL always has names for this list, and they are: Andrew, Jeremy, Slugger and James

The man going out in 4th place with 21 points was..........Jeremy.

That's right, Jeremy popped the bubble for week 1.

Money list: James, Andrew and Slugger

When there is a 4th place there is always a 3rd place.

The difference between 4th and 3rd is not only a point but some money also.

This week, going out in 3rd place with a win of $39 was Andrew.

Heads-Up: Slugger and James

The all-in move works everytime but the last one.

Going out in 2nd place with a win of $97 was Slugger.

Which means, the winner of week 1, the chip and $195 was James.

Congratulations to James and Slugger for being the first two qualifiers for week 1.

Good luck everyone in week 2.