Sunday, February 27, 2011

Season 29 Week 1

This is the beginning of Season 29.

The VPL has descent numbers of attendants.

This week there was two full tables of poker action.

16 people came together to put their money and skill on the line.

Some have described the VPL as the craziest game in town.

How will season 29 turnout, no one can know.

However, I can tell you that if you continue to read, you will find out how Week 1 ended up.

Ok, let's start we the action always starts.....bubble time.

This week there were four names on that list:

Isaiah, Joe, David SL and Clay.

This week the magic pin to pop the bubble belonged to David SL.

That brings us to the money list:

Clay, Joe and Isaiah

This week going out in 3rd place with a win of $38, making his debut at the VPL was Isaiah.

We are now heads-up:
Joe and Clay

Congratulations to both Joe and Clay for becoming the first two players to qualify for the TOC.

Both of these players are veterans of the VPL and they both have the skills to win.

the question is who had the skills this week.

So we have our 2nd place finisher, winning $64 was Clay.

So that means that the winner of Week 1 earning himself $128 was Joe.

Joe won points last season and now starts the lead of season 29.

Can Joe win points again?

Only one way to find out, come next week and play and see who takes it.

Good Luck everyone.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Season 28 Week 8

Season 28 Week 8

Now this week was very different.

Last week the VPL had 15 players come.

Now Tuesday had to be the ugliest day because of the cold and snow.

I almost cancelled Tuesday. I remember the last time I cancelled a game because of snow I caught hell for 3 weeks after.

When it comes to the VPL only the unexpected is the only thing that can be counted on.

People called and asked “how many you think will be coming” I would answer a dozen tops.

With the worst day, weather wise, turned out to be the best day attendance wise.

The final week of season 28 had 21 people show up to play poker.

Before I start I would like to send out a big congratulations to Joe and Angela for having their baby.

They had a baby girl, Gianna (I hope I spelled it right). She came a little earlier than expected………..but so did Joe. LOL. Congratulations.

By the slimmest of margins (2pts to be exact) Joe squeezed out a points win for the season with a total of 107 but right behind him was Clay with 105.

For his victory, Joe will be claiming a prize of $247.00

Now back to the action.

This week there were 4 players on the payroll.

That means there were five names on the bubble list and they are as follows:

Mark, James, Tim R Clay and Janna

Coming in 5th place with pin in hand to pop the bubble was James.

That means 4 in the money:

Tim R, Mark, Janna and Clay

Coming in 4th place with a win of $26 was Mark.

With the 3 names left only one previous qualifier. Clay.

Next to exit the table in 3rd place with a win of $33 was Tim R.

That brings us to heads-up and one new qualifier:

Clay and Janna

So finishing in 2nd place with a win of $84 was Janna.

Congratulations to Clay for winning week 8 with a win of $168.

There will be 13 names at the TOC.

What will season 29 bring?

More bad weather to bring more players?

Who knows.

Good luck everyone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Season 28 Week 7

This is Season 28 Week 7.

That means that this is one week closer to the Season 28 Tournament of Champions.

This week was a mixture of skill, luck and some downright crazy play.

But who am I kidding, we are talking about the VPL where things like that happen all the time.

Let's get on with the rest of the story.

This week the VPL was host to 15 players.

You never know when a tournament will end, but it's always guaranteed to be full of action.

After week 7, what are the standings with the points, the Player of the Year?

Just keep reading...........

Let's start with the lucky four names on the bubble list.

TC, Brandon, Bill and David SL.

Bowing out gracefully in 4th place was.....................Brandon.

Next list...............the money list:

Bill, David SL and TC

This list contains two previous qualifiers, Bill and David SL.

The all-in and call leaves us with our 3rd place finisher.

With a win of $36 and in 3rd place was Bill.

Heads-Up: TC and David SL

Congratulations to TC for qualify for season 28 TOC.

With an all-in from TC with A 3 got a quick call from David SL with an A 8

Nothing hit by the river and the kicker held up.

Coming in 2nd place with a win of $60 was TC.

Which means that winning this week with $120 and his 2nd chip was David SL.

Well look to the right to see Season 28 points as well as Player of the Year points.

The points race just got tighter.

How will it end up next week?

Next week we will find out who will win Season 28 points.

Good luck everyone.