Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Season 11 Week 6

February 12, 2008.

VPL had 13 members show up to battle.

The final table was made early before 9:30. The final table was made of 8 people. Once the first two people got taken out the play was intense.

Six people lasted two complete sets of blinds before someone got taken out.

The bubble people were James, Dave, TC and Slugger. The person with the pin to pop the bubble was Slugger. Three way action (everyone made the money at this point). Blinds were around 200-400 at this point. TC came pushing hard. All-in almost everyone other hand.

That play works all the time except for the last one as TC found out when he went all-in with A 3 os and ran into A Q held by Dave.

The heads up battle begins with Dave and James. And I do mean battle. The blinds get capped at 500/1000 and the two remain strong.

This tournament was one of the longest battles in VPL history. Normal tournies usually end around 11:00 - 11:30. This war ended at 12:55. The heads up alone went for about 45 minutes.

Final hand of the night: Small blind calls 500 and the big blind checks. The flop comes A 2 A. Dave thinks about it for a while and moves all-in. James calls. Daves flips over 2 Q and James flips over 2 3 os. The turn was a blank. The river made a 3.

Being tired, the TD said okay the cards read: Dave AA22 Q and James AA223. Dave wins.
Here's the kicker both players agreed and went to contiue to play. James had Dave outchipped. As the TD was gathering the cards and the chips were being pushed to Dave. Alex was watching and said no James hit his 3 on the river to win it: James AA338 and Dave AA22Q.

All three involved agreed and the tournament was over. James the victor claiming $110 in prize money and Dave $55 and TC took $34 for third place.

Very good tournament and an excellent heads up.

Good luck to everyone next week.

* With this win James has come to 7 points behind Alex in the points race. Alex has 61 and James has 54. There are only two more tournaments to go before the TOC.

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