Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Season 12 Week 1

We had 14 players to start off the new season.

Fast action all night long. There were probably 6 pair of pocket aces tonight. Two of them were busted up.

When the final table was made, Michelle came into the table extremely shortstack. At more than one point she was all-in in the bind. She managed to survive and take 6th place.

The bubble came down to Stan, Bill, Todd and TC. Stan popped the bubble in 4th place.

Bill took 3rd place and $35 for his efforts. Heads up with TC and Todd. Didn't last long being that Todd came into 4:1 chip leader. TC took 2nd place with a win of $60 and Todd took the tournament and the chip with a total win of $119.00.

Two qualifiers for the TOC: TC and Todd

Congratulations to everone. See everyone next week.

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