Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Season 13 Week 7

I apologize for not updating this site like I should. Here it goes:

This week at the VPL there was 16 people battling it out for first and a chance to qualify for the TOC.

There were quite a few bad beats on the river. The river wasn't a nice place for some and a savior for others.

The bubble came down to TC, Renee, Clay and Randy. The person who had the needle this week was Renee. She popped the bubble leaving in 4th place.

Money time: After pushing hard three way action, it was time for TC to exit the table with a 3rd place win of $40.

Heads up: Randy and Clay. Randy dominated when it was 4 way action. He was chip leader going into heads up. After a couple of all-in bets. Clay took 2nd place for his efforts with a 2nd place finish and $68.

Randy was the victor which paid him $136 and the chip.

With Clay's 2nd place finish he is now the points leader going into the final week of Season 13 with 77 points. Right behind him are TC and Alan tied with 74 points.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Season 13 Week 4

This week there was 13 people gathered at the VPL.

On the bubble this week was Todd, TC, Clay and Scott.

For the second week in a row, Scott produced the bubble popping needle which lead to a 4th place finish.

In the money, were Clay, TC and Todd.

With and all-in and a gut shot straight draw that didn't hit, TC found his way to 3rd place and took home $34.

Heads up was Clay and Todd.

This was a battle, chip lead was exchanged a few times. With some solid poker playing, Clay found himself at the top of the pile of chips. His win gave him $110 and the chip, while Todd's 2nd place finish netted him $55.

Todd has now qualified twice for the TOC.

Good job. gentlemen. We are now half way through season 13.

Season 13 Week 3

This week the VPL had 14 people fighting it out on the felt.

of course there always is the bubble. This week the bubble contained Stan, Alan Scott and Bll.

Someone had to have the needle and this week it was Scott. He bowed out gracefully in 4th place.

The money had Stand, Alan and Bill fighting it out.

After some fierce fighting, it was Alan's time to leave the table in 3rd place and $35.

Heads-up saw Bill and Stan.

With these two players it's always wild and crazy. This week was no different. Always exchanging chip lead.

But only one could be the last man standing. That man was Bill. He won $119 and the chip while Stand took 2nd and $60.

Bill and Stan are now both qualified for the TOC.

Season 13 Week 2

I apologize for the late posting. My videos weren't coming out like I liked.

This week the VPL saw 16 people gather to battle it out for the chip and the money.

There was a lot of action on the felt this week. Bubble time brought 4 very good players.

Michelle, Tim, Todd and Bill. Bill had to excuse himself in 4th place.

Money time.

Next to leave the table was Michelle with 3rd place and a win of $40.

Heads-up play brought Todd vs Tim. This is cash-game Tim. He received this nickname

because he never has played in a VPL tournament and always came later to play in the cash


This is Tim's very first play in the VPL.

The ensued for the win, but when the dust settled it was Todd who was victorious. Tim took 2nd

place and $68 for his efforts.

Todd won the tournament with $136 and the chip.

Congratulations to Tim and Todd for qualifiying for the TOC.