Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Season 13 Week 3

This week the VPL had 14 people fighting it out on the felt.

of course there always is the bubble. This week the bubble contained Stan, Alan Scott and Bll.

Someone had to have the needle and this week it was Scott. He bowed out gracefully in 4th place.

The money had Stand, Alan and Bill fighting it out.

After some fierce fighting, it was Alan's time to leave the table in 3rd place and $35.

Heads-up saw Bill and Stan.

With these two players it's always wild and crazy. This week was no different. Always exchanging chip lead.

But only one could be the last man standing. That man was Bill. He won $119 and the chip while Stand took 2nd and $60.

Bill and Stan are now both qualified for the TOC.

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