Thursday, May 21, 2009

Season 18 Tournament of Champions

Here we are once again, the Tournament of Champions for Season 18.

First off, I want to thank everyone who has helped make the VPL what it is today.

I'm going to get the technical news out of the way right off the bat. Rules for the VPL have come from different issues that have occured (ie: raising the cap from 500/1000 to 1000/2000 when more that 20 players)

This is no different. Because of unfortunate circumstances that happened at the cash game after the TOC. Any new members will have to have a contact sheet completed (ie: name, address, # and who referred them to the VPL) before they can play.

I try to provide a tournament that everyone enjoys to participate in. If it's not a nice environment then no one would come. I know that we all talk shit at the table but at the same time I am confident to say that everyone also knows that it's just that.........shit talk. No one takes it personal and those who have simply haven't returned.

That's enough of that, I don't like negative things.

On with the show. TOC Season 18.

There were 14 players players qualified for this TOC. 2 players couldn't show (according to the rules of the VPL, they chose the option to sell their seats to the next eligible people in line.).

The two non-points qualfiiers were: Quentin and Alan. The next two in line to buy the seats were: Angela and Ryan. Angela chose to buy her seat, Ryan chose not to. We then move down the list one more time to James. He did buy his seat.

This is the reason that I would like a list of telephone numbers of our players so that I can easily contact you in case this situation comes up again. Thanks.

Season 18 was the biggest season to date: one week having 21 people. Which made this TOC the one to play in.

We started off with 14 players. 2 tables of 7.

I hate to mention this but this was brutal.

Very first hand of the tournament, there was an
all-in preflop.............................and a call.

Bill went all in with pocket kings only to be called by George who had pocket aces. Georges' aces held up and Bill was out on the first hand.

At this seasons TOC there were 4 places being paid. This meant that bubble contained 5 people. Those five werea: Jared, Brian, Steve, Quentin and Angela.

Steve was the person who reached into his bags of tricks and popped the bubble leaving in 5th place.

Money time: Quentin, Angela, Brian and Jared.

Coming into the money there was only one previous bracelet winner which was last seasons defending champion..Quentin.

4th place needed a name to be placed next to it, that name was Jared. Jared got busted out in 4th place with a win of $68.

Top three players were guaranteed at least $103.

That $103 dollar prized belonged to Brian for going out in 3rd place.

Heads-up: Quentin and Angela

Going into heads-up Quentin was out to defend his championship.

Angela went into this battle the chip leader.

Bets were made and cards were flying but in the end there was only one winner.

When the dust settled it was Quentin who took 2nd place with a win of $171.

That's right, Angela was the TOC winner for Season 18.

Her first place finished earned her the coveted bracelet along with $342. The biggest TOC payout to date.

Interesting side note: In the 18 seasons of the VPL, there have only been two females to win a bracelet.

What makes this even more interesting, those two females were mother and daughter. Sandra won the TOC for Season 3 and Angela for Season 18.

Also for Season 18 the points were won by a female. Michelle won $269 for points.

Good luck to everyone in Season 19. May you all have the 2nd best hand next to me.

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