Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Season 19 Week 4

Halfway through Season 19 brought some exciting play.

This week there were 16 players at the VPL. Dont' let the small numbers fool you.

You will not find better poker players than at the VPL (okay maybe that's a stretch but it is sure alot of fun).

We've had some old friends come by and play. Larry and Sandra caught the bug again now that they found some time.

Also, Don made trip to come and play.

Now on with the action.

This week bubble action included: George, James, Todd and TC

Todd, who was feeling no pain, reached into his bag of tricks to exit the table in 4th place while popping the bubble.

Money time: James, George and TC.

George is the only who has qualified among these three.

The third place position was filled by TC with a $40 win.

Heads up: George and James.

It was George who finished in 2nd place with a $68 win.

James won the tournament, the chip and $136.

To show the quality of play at the VPL, this week's tournament ended with the blinds at 400/800. This was totally different than two weeks ago when there was 22 people. At that tournament it ended with the blinds at 150/300.

There are now 7 qualifiers for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone next week.

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