Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Season 23 Week 3

This week the VPL took a dip in the attendance.

Don't let that fact fool you. No matter how many players come, there is always great poker (except for the occassional river suckout).

This week, the VPL was host to 18 players.

We had a first in VPL history this week.

At the blind level 50-100 Andrew hit the river to complete a Royal Flush.

This is the first time the VPL has seen a Royal Flush in tournament play.

Good job Andrew.

As previously mentioned, there were 18 players. With this turnout, I thought the tournament would end relatively quickly.

I was wrong. The tournament didn't finish until around 12:45.

It was ironic because the bubble seemed to take forever to pop.

At one point there were three different people with the short stack.

The following players enjoyed the agony of this weeks bubble:

TC, Todd, Andrew and Steve.

With one mighty all-in and a call, the river brought us a winner.

The person who took 4th place and popped the bubble was Steve.

You know what that means: MONEY TIME

Andrew, Todd and TC

This trio brings us one previous qualifier.

TC made a move, in the dealer position, moved all-in with A 6 only to run
into Todd's AQ.

The flop brought drama because TC flopped 4 to the flush.

However the turn and river were no help.

TC went out in 3rd place with a win of $45.

We have one new qualifier: Todd

Heads-Up: Todd vs Andrew

This heads up was completed in only a few hands.

In 2nd place, with a win of $76 was Andrew.

Which means, Todd was this weeks winner with the chip and $153.

Congratulations to Todd.

We have a player picture submission this week:

This is a candid shot of our very own Jeremy and Frank:

Check out the points, Some players are halfway to there entry into the Holiday Invitational.

Come back next week and play.

Good luck.

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