Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Season 25 Week 6

This week 21 people battle the rain and came to play at the VPL.

It's the complexity of the variety of people that we have come to play that makes the VPL , the only place to get real poker.

By the time the 21st person walked in the door, there were already 4 people out of the tournament.

21 people means that there was money going to the Holiday Inn tournament.

One more person qualified for the tournament. That person was Bryan Lloyd.

Where shall we start today.................I know..................the bubble list.

This weeks list is sponsored by Aleve. "Aleve........the other blue pill"

okay back to the list: Alan, Todd, Tim and Scott.

This week it was the veteran player Todd who popped the bubble.

That means that ther will be two new qualifiers for the TOC.

Money time: Tim, Alan and Scott.

So the next person to gracefully leave the poker stage was Alan.

Alan, leaving in 3rd place earned himself $35.

Heads-Up: Tim and Scott

The curtain must fall signaling the end to the poker play.

This week, coming in 2nd place with a win of $89 and qualifying for the TOC was Tim.

That means, to the victor go the spoils. This weeks winner of $178, the chip and a place at the TOC was Scott.

Congratulations to both Tim and Scott for qualifying for the TOC.

I am enjoying the fact that the numbers are getting back above 21 so that we have money going to the Holiday Inn in December.

Good luck to everyone!

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