Monday, October 4, 2010

Season 26 Week 7

We had an explosion of action this week at the VPL

With an unexpected 28 players, there was alot of action.

Very close to tying the all time attendance record (this record is 30 and has been tied only one other time).

New starting rule: The players will start to be seated when the entrances hit 18 and as soon as everyone is seated the tournament will be started. Bonus chips are still in play before 7:15 (even if the tournament has been started).

Live registration starts at 6:45.

This week did have a first at a VPL tournament. (more on that to come).

With the large number of players does not change the bubble list.

This list will always contain 4 names.

This week is no different and those four are: Brandon, Angela, Clay and Jason.

Leaving the table in 4th place was..................Angela.

Money time: Brandon, Clay and Jason

Here is the point of the tournament for the new action.

All three players decided on an even split of the money and will play for points.

With a unanimous decision, each player left the table with $134.

Going out in 3rd place with 28 points was Brandon.

Heads-up: Jason and Clay

This heads up was definitely nuts.

By the all-ins and calls it was obvious that there was no money at stake.

But in the end, there could only be one.

Going out in 2nd place with 30 points and qualifying for the TOC was Jason.

Leaving the table as the last man standing, along with the chip and 32 points was Clay.

Congratulations to Jason for qualifying for the TOC.

Clay had previously qualified.

After this week, we have a new points leader.

Will the leader hold the points?

Will there be two new qualifiers?

You know the answer to this drill.

Come for week 8 and see a dramatic fight to the finish.

Good luck everyone.

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