Friday, March 4, 2011

Season 29 Week 2

This week marks the 5th Anniversary of the VPL.

Something must have been in the air.

This week there were a total of 26 people coming together for their shot at victory.

There also was alot of craziness.

On one hand there were four people all-in at once.

At the end of the hand there was only one winner...........and that winner took out all three of the other all-ins.

3 out in one hand.

The tournament ended when the blinds were 1,000-2,000

I want to thank everyone who has come and played with us at the VPL.

I think that 5 years says says that's alot of damn poker.

But this is far from the end.

I can't wait until we are celebrating 10yrs of playing.

Okay back to business.

Because there were 26 players, that means that 4 players got paid this week.

The 5 names one the bubble list are:

David P, Jeremy, Quentin, James and Brandon.

Okay going all the way to 5th place and getting paid as much as the person in 26th place

was Jeremy.

So now the money list:

Quentin, David P, Brandon and James

going out in 4th place with a win of $33 was David P.

And then there was 3.

So next to exit the table, going out in 3rd place with a win of $41 was Quentin.

Heads-up: Brandon and James

These two are veterans of the VPL and their play showed it.

But alas, there can only be one................

Finishing his week 2, qualifying for the TOC with a win of $104 was James.

So to the victor go the spoils, winning week 2 and qualifying for the TOC with a win of $204 was Brandon.

Congratulations to the two new qualifiers.

What will the next 5 years bring?

Well if it's based on the past 5 years....................alot of poker action for sure!

Good luck to everyone.

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