Monday, April 4, 2011

Season 29 Week 6

This week two full tables of great poker action.

That's right folks, not 4, not 8 but 16 players put up their hard earned money for their chance to qualify for the TOC.

Because the numbers are a little lighter than normal that means that the race to the points winner is that much tighter.

I do have to apologize for the late entries for the blog.

These last few weeks have been crazy, but better late than never.

Okay now on with the show.

This week, 25% of the players were on the bubble list (and who said you would never use math in your life).

Bubble list:

Steven, Andy, Joe and Janna

So who was it this week?

Who had the magic pin?

Okay, so if you read last week's blog then you already know the answer cuz it's the same person.

This week, going out in 4th place was Andy.

That means that this week the following people left the VPL all with money in their pockets.

Joe Steve and Janna

So leaving the table in 3rd place with a win of $38 was Steve.

Heads-Up: Joe and Janna

My money is on the person who's name starts with a J.

This was a good battle. low stack coming back for the win.

Who was it?.......................keep reading.

This was a story of two different people with two different styles of play.

That story begins with....................oh wait, that's for another day.

Let's get back to this.

So, going out in 2nd place with a win of $64 was............................Janna.

So that means in 1st place with his 2nd win this season and a cash prize of $128 was Joe.

Joe has already qualified.

Congratulations to Janna for qualifying for the TOC.

There has only been 1 double qualifier this season.....Joe.

Only two more weeks left in the season.

The POY points have not been update, just the weekly points.

Hold your horses they will get current.

Good luck everyone.

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