Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Season 15 Week 5

We have past the halfway point in Season 15. This week the VPL hosted 14 players to battle it out on the felt.

This week the VPL once again showed that this is the place for good poker.

As always, we start on the bubble. This week the bubble had James, Slugger, Tim and TC.

This week it was TC who had the needle to pop the bubble. TC in the big blind. Everyone limps in with the blinds at 100/200. TC moves all-in for 2400. Slugger called.

TC shows A 10 and Slugger shows A J. Slugger's hand holds up and TC is out in 4th

Money time: Tim, Slugger and James.

Tim exits in 3rd place with a win of $35.

Heads up: James and Slugger. Both with alot of chips.

Here is the pivotal had of the game:

Blinds are at 200/400:
Slugger limps in the small blind for 200. James checks.

flop comes 4 8 2. Slugger moves all-in. James insta calls.
Slugger shows pocket Kings and James shows 4 2 .
4 8 2 9
4 8 2 9 9

James flopped two pair. Slugger caught runner runner for a bigger two pair.

James struggled but couldn't hold on. James finished in 2nd place with a win of $60.

Slugger (now qualified) wins week 5. His 1st place finish gave him a win of $119 and the chip.

Good luck to everyone and we'll see you next week.

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