Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Season 15 Week 7

This week concluded week 7. There is only 1 week left in season 15.

This week 14 people enjoyed the sites and sounds of the VPL.

Action as always starts on the bubble:

This week the four players fighting for the money were: Bill, TC, Jason and James.

Who had the magic pin this week to pop the was James with the 4th place finish.

Money time: Jason, TC and Bill

Finishing in 3rd place with a $35 win was Jason.

clock stopped, heads up between TC and Bill with the blinds at 200/400.

Coming into the battle Bill and TC outchipped 2.5 to 1.

The battle began. The chips were flying.

One huge hand: at the river, Bill made a move to put TC all-in. TC called. TC had flopped a King high flush. Wrong time for Bill to try to buy it and TC doubled up.

TC now has a small chip lead.

Flop comes: Q 3 J: TC makes and move goes all-in. Bill calls.

TC shows KJ and Bill shows Q 8

The turn: Q 3 J 10

The river: Q 3 J 10 9

TC wins the hand by runner runner for the straight. With that win, TC wins the tournament.

Bill takes 2nd place with a $60 win. TC wins the chip and $119.

*It was Bill and TC who went heads up last week with the same outcome.

Good luck everyone and see you next week.

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