Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Season 16 Week 1

Tonight was the start of Season 16.

This week the VPL had 13 people who laid their money on the line.

This week had very fast action with early exists.

Bubble time: James, Frank, Brandon and Alan.

This week it was Alan who reach down into his pocket of tricks and pulled out the needle to pop the bubble going out in 4th place.

Next to exit the game was James with a 3rd place finish and $34 to his name.

Heads up between Brandon and Frank.

Very good heads up.
Key hand of the game: The flop was 3 K 6. Frank moved all-in. Brandon insta-called him.

Frank was making a move with a pure bluff. Brandon insta-called with 4 5 in his hand.
The turn was a 7 to complete Brandon's straight.

Brandon just leaned on Frank and eventually eneded up with all the chips.

Franks 2nd place finish earned him $55 and is now qualified for the TOC.

Brandon's 1st place finish earned him $110, the chip and he also has qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations to the money winners and to Brandon for taking the first tournament of
Season 16.

Good luck everyone.

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