Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Season 16 Week 2

2nd week of Season 16 with the exciting action of the VPL.

This week there were 15 people who all wanted the first prize money and the chip.

The starting is always on the bubble.

This week the people who were walking on egg shells were: Michelle, Alan, Frank and Jason.

Someone had to do it..........................and that someone was Frank. Frank exited the table with a 4th place finish.

Next to excuse himself was Alan. This exit gave Alan a 3rd place finish and $38.

Heads up: Michelle and Jason.

With any race there is a 1st place and a 2nd place.

This week it was Michelle who took 2nd place and $64.

Congratulations to Jason for winning Week 2. This first place finish came with the chip and $128.

Congratulations to Michelle and Jason for qualifying for the TOC.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

See you next week.

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