Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Season 16 Week 3

This week at the VPL was totally crazy. Only for the 2nd time playing at the house has the VPL hosted this many people.

There were 19 people sitting down at the tables to take their shot at the money.

We had the regulars and a few new faces but everyone had fun.

Starting point: The bubble

Jason, James, Frank and Steve.

Steve has a bottomless pocket full of pins. Once again this week the bubble boy was Steve.

Money time went to Jason, James and frank.

The position that was one from qualifying went to James. James saw his exit in 3rd place with a win of $50.

Heads-Up: Jason and Frank.

Final Hand:

Jason moved all-in with pocket 8's only to be called by Frank with pocket Kings. When Franks 3rd King hit the turn that sealed the deal.

Jason took 2nd place with a win of $60

Frank took 1st place (along with the chip) and a win of $160.

Congratulations to Jason and Frank for sealing up two seats in the TOC.

After week 3 there are 6 people qualified for the TOC.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you for week 4.

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