Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Season 16 Week 5

This week was very impressive with the number of players. Again hitting an all time high with 19 players.

The VPL may have to go to alternates when it comes to buying into the VPL. For sure the veterans have a seat.

We are getting full and any suggestions on how to deal with the extras are welcome.

Now onto the action:

As previously stated, the VPL hosted 19 people.

This week chips were flying very fast. There were quite a few all-ins (and calls) within the first couple sets of blinds.

Just because you made it to the final table still doesn't guarantee any money. The action is tough at the VPL.

Final Four: Brandon, Jason, Frank, and Todd

This week it was our points leader Frank who popped the bubble with a 4th place finish.

Money time: Jason, Brandon and Todd.

Jason found it was his time to leave the table in 3rd place with a a$50 win.

Heads up with Steve and Brandon.

There is only one winner each week: This week the winner was Todd. 1st place, along with the chip, paid an impressive $160.

Brandon's 2nd place finish earned him $80.

At the beginning of the heads-up match, both players had alot of chips. It looked like the blinds would be capped at 500/1000. It didn't happen, the tournament ended at 400/800.

The blinds have yet to capped.

The updated points are at the right. Congratulations to Frank for securing a solid lead.

But with 3 weeks to go, anything is possible at the VPL.

Good luck and we'll see you next week.

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