Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Season 16 Week 6

This season is blowing up with players. This week the VPL hosted 16 players (with 3 regulars not showing up).

There is never a shortage of players or good plays at the VPL (although some may argue the last part of that statement).

Now onto the action.

This week the bubble saw a new player to the VPL which was George. Along with him, TC Brandon and Frank were waging war to see who would walk away with some money this week.

George came to the VPL this week along with a new shiny needle. It was George going out in 4th place and popping the bubble.

Money time: Frank Brandon and TC.

There was one hand which had TC against Brandon (with Brandon being all-in). TC turned a J which gave trips. He yelled in celebration only to see an Ace fall on the river. Brandon had caught runner runner for the straight.

That just goes to show: It isn't over until the river has fallen.

A few hands later, Brandon said good bye to the final table in 3rd place and a$40 win.

Heads-up: Frank and TC.

This had to be the quickest headsup ever. The blinds were 300/600.

2nd hand of heads-up

Both just call the big blind.

Flop came: A T 7

check and check

The turn was a 4. A T 7 4.

TC moves all-in (trying to steal the blinds).

Frank calls.

TC shows K 8 and Frank shows Q 4

River hits a blank. Frank had TC outchipped and won the tournament.

TC 2nd place finish earns him $68

Frank's 1st place finish earns him $136 and the chip.

With Franks win in week 6, he has stretched his lead to a massive 20 points with only 2 tournaments left.

As of week 6, there are 9 people going to the TOC.

This is ironic because this is one of the biggest seasons of the VPL and could be one of the smallest TOC.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you next week.

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