Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Season 17 Week 6

I've said it before and I'll say it again................The VPL is THE place to play poker.

17 Seasons and getting stronger by the day.

This week, the VPL was host to 18 people. That's right...18!

This week seemed very tough because at the first color-up there were still 16 people in the tournament.

The 2nd break comes after the 150/300 blinds. When the blinds were 100/200 there 10 people left. It looked like there were still going to be two tables going after the 2nd break. This has never been thought of before. Just shows the caliber of play at the VPL.

Just as we were discussing this possibility, 2 people get knocked out of the tournament at the same time.

With the clock stopped, everyone had to re-draw for seats for the final table at 100/200.

Everyone's favorite spot..................The Bubble:

Alex, Joe, Frank and Ryan.

Within this group, there is only one previous qualifier (Joe).

Ryan brought his "A" game but it was just enough to pop the bubble going out in 4th place.

Money Time: Joe, Frank and Alex.

In any tournament, someone has to leave to make it heads up. That someone was Frank.

Frank left the table in 3rd place with a win of $46.

Heads-Up: Joe and Alex.

Now this heads up was crazy. A variety of hands were played here.

The chip lead went back and forth. Alex got hit hard with a 3 high flush from Joe.

But never count Alex out until the last chip has left his stack.

Joe found out this the hard way and ended up with a 2nd place finish and $76.

Alex took 1st place, the chip and $153. Also with this win, Alex is now qualified for the TOC.

As far as points goes, Clay is killing the competition in Season 17.

Congratulatinos to Alex and Joe.

Joe is on a roll, he has made the money in the last 3 live tournaments.

Good job to everyone and good luck next week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

La Bamba Tournament

I want to thank everyone who came out to the tournament.

There were 18 people who ponied up $30 to battle it out on the felt.

There were 4 places paid.

There were alot of people from the league there and also a few new faces.

Good job to Allen, Joe, Tim and Quentin for making the money.

Congratulations to Joe for winning the tournament and $205.

We ended up doing another tournament for $20.

10 people on one table.

Congratulations to Tim for winning the 2nd.

Hope everyone had fun.

Hope to see everyone out in Swink next month.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Season 17 Week 5

I want to first start by saying thank you to Joe. He pointed out a mistake I had made with the points and names. The points and names have been corrected and are fully up to date.

This week the VPL brought 14 players together to fight it out for this weeks championship.

Bubble time brought 4 players to the ring. Here are those 4 players: Clay, Brandon, Quentin and Alex.

Someone had to leave the table in 4th place and that someone was Brandon.

Money time: Quentin, Alex and Clay.

This trio made it that there would be at least one new qualifier.

3rd place with $35 was awarded to Alex.

This meant that Quentin and Clay are heads up. Clay had previously qualified.

Both are warriors at the table but only one can win and only one can take 2nd.

As the tournament ended, it was time to award 2nd place.

That honor goes to Quentin. Along with his 2nd place finish, he won $60.

That means that, once again, Clay has finished in 1st place. This is Clay's 2nd win in season17. With the points, the chip and the $119 win, Clay has spread his points lead even further.

Congratulations to Clay and Quentin for 1st and 2nd.

At the end of week5, there are 10 people qualified for the TOC.

That brings an end to week 5.

I hope everyone can make the tournaments at La Bamba and in Swink.

Good luck to everyone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Season 17 Week 4

This week the VPL hosted 15 players. These players battled it out on the felt to see who would rise above the rest.

So let's begin.

The bubble:

Frank, Brian,Joe and Bill

The only previous qualifier was Brian. And as it turns out, Brian was the one who left the table in 4th place.

There will be two new qualifiers.

Money time: Bill, Joe and Frank

After chips were won and lost, it was Frank who had to say goodbye to week 4 in 3rd place.

Frank won $38 for his efforts.

Heads up:

Bill and Joe

Congratulations to Bill and Joe for qualifying for the TOC for season 17.

In any game, there is a winner and a runner up.

This game was no different.

It was Bill who saw himself reach 2nd place and a $64 win.

That means that Joe won Season 17 Week 4. The chip and $128.

Congratulations to Joe, this was his first time qualifying for the TOC and his first chip.

I want to remind everyone about the upcoming tournaments at La Bamba and in Swink.

I also want to thank Frank for dealing the heads up this week.

Halfway through the season and the points are updated.

Good luck everyone and see you next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season 17 Week 3

You can always count on finding good poker at the VPL. This week was no exception.

This week the VPL hosted a tournament for 18 people.

The bubble is where this story begins:

Brian, Todd, TC and Michelle.

At this point, it came down to a waiting game. Todd was chip leader with three short stacks at the table.

Whenever there was an all-in, it would seem like that person would double up.

Once again, someone made an all-in move and got called. However the luck wasn't with that person this time and TC had to bow out of the tournament in 4th place with no money.

Money time: Brian Todd and Michelle.

At this point, the blinds were 400/800.

Here is where it got interesting.

Michelle was the short stack at this 3 way battle.

She picked her spot and moved all-in. Brian was to her left and thought about it for a moment.......and then he said all-in. Todd had them both covered and then began to think about it.

Todd calls Brian's all-in.

Michelle turns over AJ, Brian turns over JJ and Todd flipped over AK.

The flop came rags. Brian was out in the lead.

The turn came a K. Now Todd rushed into 1st place with one card coming.

The river came a blank.

With the blank on the river, Todd hit his King and takes out both players in one hand.

Michelle finished in 3rd place with a $46 win, Brian finished in 2nd place with a $76 win.

Todd wins the tournament, the chip and $153.

Congratulations to Todd and Brian for becoming the newest to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck next week.