Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season 17 Week 3

You can always count on finding good poker at the VPL. This week was no exception.

This week the VPL hosted a tournament for 18 people.

The bubble is where this story begins:

Brian, Todd, TC and Michelle.

At this point, it came down to a waiting game. Todd was chip leader with three short stacks at the table.

Whenever there was an all-in, it would seem like that person would double up.

Once again, someone made an all-in move and got called. However the luck wasn't with that person this time and TC had to bow out of the tournament in 4th place with no money.

Money time: Brian Todd and Michelle.

At this point, the blinds were 400/800.

Here is where it got interesting.

Michelle was the short stack at this 3 way battle.

She picked her spot and moved all-in. Brian was to her left and thought about it for a moment.......and then he said all-in. Todd had them both covered and then began to think about it.

Todd calls Brian's all-in.

Michelle turns over AJ, Brian turns over JJ and Todd flipped over AK.

The flop came rags. Brian was out in the lead.

The turn came a K. Now Todd rushed into 1st place with one card coming.

The river came a blank.

With the blank on the river, Todd hit his King and takes out both players in one hand.

Michelle finished in 3rd place with a $46 win, Brian finished in 2nd place with a $76 win.

Todd wins the tournament, the chip and $153.

Congratulations to Todd and Brian for becoming the newest to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck next week.

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