Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Season 17 Week 5

I want to first start by saying thank you to Joe. He pointed out a mistake I had made with the points and names. The points and names have been corrected and are fully up to date.

This week the VPL brought 14 players together to fight it out for this weeks championship.

Bubble time brought 4 players to the ring. Here are those 4 players: Clay, Brandon, Quentin and Alex.

Someone had to leave the table in 4th place and that someone was Brandon.

Money time: Quentin, Alex and Clay.

This trio made it that there would be at least one new qualifier.

3rd place with $35 was awarded to Alex.

This meant that Quentin and Clay are heads up. Clay had previously qualified.

Both are warriors at the table but only one can win and only one can take 2nd.

As the tournament ended, it was time to award 2nd place.

That honor goes to Quentin. Along with his 2nd place finish, he won $60.

That means that, once again, Clay has finished in 1st place. This is Clay's 2nd win in season17. With the points, the chip and the $119 win, Clay has spread his points lead even further.

Congratulations to Clay and Quentin for 1st and 2nd.

At the end of week5, there are 10 people qualified for the TOC.

That brings an end to week 5.

I hope everyone can make the tournaments at La Bamba and in Swink.

Good luck to everyone.

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