Sunday, August 9, 2009

Season 20 Week 2

This week the VPL hosted 18 people.

Always good action. Again this week we had 3 tables of excellent poker action.

The VPL is the place for the best poker action around.

We start at the bubble with four very good players:

Alan, Todd, Jared and Brandon

The magic needle belonged to Jared who left the table in 4th place.

Money time:

Brandon, Alan and Todd

Next to find their place at the felt was Brandon. Brandon's 2nd place finish earned him $45.

Head's up:

Alan and Todd

2nd place belonged to Alan with a win of $76.

Week 20's winner of the chip and $153 was Todd.

Congratulations to Todd and Alan who became the next qualifiers for the TOC.

The points race is tight.

Come next week to see who will be ahead in points after week 3.

Good luck everyone.

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