Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Season 20 Week 4

This week the weather wasn't very nice but that didn't stop 21 people to come out and play their best poker.

That's right, 21 people put up their hard earned money for their shot at glory.

This week marks the middle of Season 20.

This is the interesting thing: 4 weeks into Season 20. 3 out of the 4 weeks the payout had to be adjusted to pay 4 spots.

You know what that means.

This weeks bubble list contained 5 names: Clay, Jason, Jeremy, Angela and Todd.

So who was that brought the needle out of the rain to pop the bubble?

There is an answer to that question.............the answer is Jeremy.

Jeremy exited this weeks tournament in 5th place.

Money time: Clay, Angela, Todd and Jason.

Out of these 4 names, there is only one previous qualifier (Todd).

The first person out of the money was Jason. He left the table in 4th place and $28 richer.

3rd place had a name also. That name belong to Clay. His 3rd place finish earned him $35.

Heads Up: Angela and Todd.

Coming into this battle Todd was the chip leader.

With an all-in from Angela and a call from Todd. The cards flew all the way to the river.

However, Angela was the victor in this battle. She got lucky and hit a Jack on the flop.

This severly crippled Todd.

Unfortunately for Todd, he just couldn't hang on much longer with the blinds already at 400/800. He had to settle for 2nd place along with $89.

That's right, week 4 belonged to Angela.

Her first place finish earned her a guaranted seat in the TOC (now when she sits down at the TOC it will be legit.)

This win was definately earned. Going into this money battle Angela was the short stack. She remained very patient and pushed when she had to.

Then of course, a little luck never hurt. Her catching the Jack on the flop was the pivotal hand of the heads-up battle.

Brandon has now increased his lead by 8. Todd is now 2nd in points.

This goes to show that sometimes an investment in yourself can go a long way. Todd has missed a week. If he would have been blinded in, the points would have been that much closer.

Congratulations to Todd and Angela for qualifying this week.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming to the VPL.

The truth is: I can be the person with the ideas but it takes everyone to make the league.

Also if you are reading this: Thank you for taking the time to read the blog.

Who will be the next two to qualify for the TOC. Will it be you: only way to find out is come and play.

Good luck to everyone.

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