Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Season 20 Tournament of Champions

This was it! The biggest payout for a TOC to date.

A very good TOC.

Shouldn't be any surprise because the VPL is where the best poker is played.

14 players qualified for Season's 20 TOC.

Congratulations to Clay for winning the points. For this great effort, he won $280.

Let's get on with the action.

First to leave the tables was Todd at 15-30.

After the color-up saw a number of people leave:

TC, Michelle, James were the people who 25-50 level was not good to.

At the next level 50-100 the following people saw their chips leave with allins and calls:

Randy, Andrew and Brandon

No one left at the blind level 75-150.

It was a different story at the next level of 100-200:

David and Clay both had to leave.

This brings us to bubble time: 150-300.

This level included: Jeremy, Brian, Alan, Joe and Angela

Going out in 5th place was Brian popping the bubble.

At the same leve it was Jeremy leaving in 4th place with a win of $70.

Next to go (at 150-300) was Angela in 3rd place with a win of $105.

Head's up - Alan and Joe (at 200-400)

Chips passed back and forth but the in the end, there was a victor:

Joe ended his TOC in 2nd place with a win of $175.

That's right we are adding a new bracelet winner to the list.

Congratulations to Alan for winning Season's 20 Tournament of Champions.

This win earned him the conveted bracelet as well as $350.

Congratulations to everyone who participated this season.

Let's hope season 21 brings new records and higher payouts.

On a side note, congratulations goes out to Angela. She has been in 3 TOCs and has taken a 1st, 2nd and a 3rd. She has made the money every TOC she has entered.

Hope to see everyone next season!

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