Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Season 20 Week 6

What can I say.

Is it possible to hit a record two weeks in a row?

If you would have asked me last week I would have said impossible.

VPL has proved the impossible.........possible.

That's right! Week 6 has tied the record.

Week 6 tied the all time attendance record for a single week at 23.

However, this week proved to be the week of action.

This week, there were 3 people out in the first set of blinds.

Two people saw their exit at the same time in one hand.

The final two tables were around 10:30.

This action was fast and furious. Glad to report that the tournament did end before 1:30am.

So let's get to it: everyone's favorite spot...........................the bubble.

Michelle, TC, Alan, Mark and Clay

This week was the battle of the wills.

With all-ins and double ups. It was betweeen Michelle and TC to see who was the one to pop the bubble.

One would be down. Then the other would double up.....then the other would steal the blinds.

Finally there was an all-in and a call, then the bubble being popped.

This week the person who popped the bubble was Michelle in 5th place.

Money time: Clayh,k Alan, TC and Mark.

Because there was a battle for the bubble meant that someone had to come into the money short stacked.

That person was TC. He was the one who left he table in 4th place with a win of $31.

In 3rd place was Mark with a win of $39.

Heads-up: Alan and Clay.

One new qualifier (Alan had previous qualified)

The shortstack held his own in this heads up battle but just couldn't hold it until the end.

In 2nd place, with a win of $97 was Alan.

Which meant that Clay was the winner of week 6 with a cash of $197 and the chip.

Congratulations to Clay for winning and qualifying.

The points are still anyone's ball game.

There are still 2 weeks left in Season 20.

Who will win next week? Will the points change?

Only one way to find out. Come and play and take your chance to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck!

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