Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Season 22 Week 1

Last season was the biggest season of the VPL to date.

As always, the VPL doesn't hold back in hosting the very best in poker.

December 1, 2009 proved to be history in the making, once again breaking an attendance record.

That's right, week 1 was host to a total of 25 poker players.

Because of this big number 2 new rules have been implemented:

1: when the 2nd color-up is finished. The blinds will be 200-400 with the blinds being 20 minutes.
2: When 3 tables are full (8 physical players with a dead hand) the 25 player will become an alternate and have to wait until a seat opens up.
Pre-paid players will be considered physical players. No more than nine hands per table (8 physical and 1 dead hand)
The 7:15 bonus is always in effect. The 7:15 will be marked by the cable box on top of the T.V. at Valdez Casino.

Let's get down to the action.

This week was 25 players with 2 regulars not showing up.

Big poker means big risks and bigger rewards.

The bubble contained the following names: Slugger, Janice, Joe, Jeremy and Alan

The next person out would get paid as much as the first person out--------Zero!

Unfortunately that person was Jeremy.

However, the effort was not for nothing. Exiting the table in 5th place he has earned 21 points.

Money time included: Janice, Slugger, Joe and Alan

The next person to leave the table in 4th place, 23 points and and win of $34 was Alan.

Now it was Janice's turn to say goodbye to week 1. Her effort earned her 3rd place, 25 points and a win of $42.

Heads-up: Slugger vs Joe

Congratulations to both of these players to be the first two to qualify for the TOC.

In 2nd place, with 25 poins and a win of $106 was Slugger.

That means that Joe was the winner of week 1 earning himself 27 points, the chip and $212.

This week's payout also set a record for a 1st place payout during the season.

This also makes the first time that two players received more than $100 in a single week.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make the VPL what it is today.

The maximum capacity has been met. Let's make an effort to always fill it.

Good luck to everyone next week.

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