Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Season 22 Week 2

We started off week 1 (season 22) with a record number of people (25).

This set off a change in the seating. 24 paid players (along with 3 dead hands) will be
the maximum numbers of players at one time. The 25th player coming into the VPL will
have to wait until someone gets busted out. I know this didn't happen this week but that
was because I miscounted.

That record would not stand for very long. This week, season 22 week 2, once again set a new attendance record with 26 people.

This also has set a new record payoff of $221.00.

This week also started the countdown to the Holiday Invitational 2010.

This tournament is roughly scheduled for:

Sunday December 5, 2010 @ 2:00.

The buy-in will be the regular $21 along with the invitation.

You will need 20 tickets to get an invitation. Every paid entry into the VPL (not including the TOC) will earn you 1 ticket.

Old payout system: 21 or more people
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th got paid and the 5th went to the TOC/points.

New system: 21 or more people
1st, 2nd, and 3rd get paid, 4th will go to the TOC/points and 5th will go to the Holiday Invitational.

This causes more money for the TOC/points. (because it's the 4th place not 5th that goes to this pot).

NOW: down to the business why we are all here reading this!

Season 22 Week 2 Bubble time:

Jeremy, George, James and Clay

This week James had to say goodbye to the VPL in 4th place busting the bubble.

Money time: Jeremy, Clay and George

There will be two new qualifiers to the TOC.

Next to see his way off the felt with a win of $44 was George.

Heads-Up: Clay and Jeremy

This was quite the battle.

This week also proved to be one of the longest tournaments (I know, duh, the most people)

This tournament ended with the blinds of 800 -1,600.

One new level of blinds have been added. After 1000 -2000 will be 1,500 - 3,000.

In the end, there stood only 1.

in 2nd place with a win of $110 was Jeremy.

That means, Clay was the winner of week 2. His good play earned him the chip, and a record payout of $221.00.

Congratulations to Clay and Jeremy for qualifying for the TOC.

Will the VPL get any bigger? Only one way to find have to come and play.

Good luck everyone.

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