Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Season 23 Week 5

We are now on the downside of Season 23.

There was plenty of poker action in Week 5.

Week 5 provided the VPL with 22 faces, each with their own mission to glory.

Since there were 21 participants, there was $26 going to the Holiday Invitational.

For Holiday Invitational rules see the side bar for rules for qualifying.

This week entried started off relatively slow.

When we drew for seats there were only 17 players present.

The bonus chips have done excellent.

Thank you to everyone who comes early to draw.

I understand that some schedules simply do not permit this on Tuesday nights, but I appreciate those who do make it.

Enough of the ass-kissing.

You are reading this blog right now only to find out who made it to the bubble round.

I am not going to disappointment you, here is the list:

George, Todd, Valerie and Andrew

This is an interesting list because 3 out of the 4 names are previous qualifiers.

So who did it..............who popped the bubble.

Bringing the pin from his office, it was Andrew who went out in 4th place and popped the bubble.

After the bubble list comes the money list.

Not wanting to disappoint anyone here is the money list:

Todd, George and Valerie

Next to go out in 3rd place with a win of $37 was George.

Heads-Up: Todd vs Valerie

This was a very interesting match up.

To crown this weeks winner did not take very long at all.

With a mighty all-in and a call...............

Todd flipped over KQ and Valerie showed 22

The flop hit Todd's Q...........but also flopped a 2 for Valerie

Valerie's trips held up and Todd came in 2nd place with a win of $93.

That's right, week 5 belonged to Valerie.

Valerie won the chip and $187.

Congratulations to Valerie for also qualifying for the TOC

***very interesting because right after Valerie won, she wanted to give her seat away. I feel that she did this without knowing exactly what the prizes are for the TOC.

What will she do? Will she play in the TOC? Will she sell her seat?

Tune in to find out! Same bat time! Same bat channel!

Good luck to everyone next week.

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