Wednesday, March 3, 2010

VPL Anniversary

This week, first week of March, marks the 4 year anniversary of the VPL!

I want to say thank you to everyone who comes and plays.

I'm glad that everyone is having a good time.

There are a few players that play with us today that have played since the beginning.

Here are a few of the veterans of the VPL: James, Todd, Alex, David J, Clay, Michelle, TC and Bill

If I have missed someone let me know.

Everyone is important to the VPL, the above mentioned are the few who have played since season 1.

Without players, we would have no league.

Players have come and players have gone.

If a player only comes for one week, I appreciate that and consider that important.

I am proud to say that in the 4 years that we have been playing we have been able to iron out any situations that have come up.

The VPL has proven to be a well self-regulating league.

My goal for the league is to be writing about our 10th anniversary.

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that their participation is greatly appreciated.

Hope to see everyone at the Holiday Invitational tournament in December.

Good luck to everyone in future games.

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