Monday, November 15, 2010

Season 27 Week 3

Season 27 Week 3

Week #3 brought together an impressive 21 people for the night.

There are a couple of things a person can count on when they play on the VPL.

Number 1: always a lot of poker action.

Number 2: to expect the unexpected.

The latter was the result of some very unexpected conversation this week.

This is a family blog so the exact details of that conversation cannot be repeated.

This is one strategy I’ve never seen before:
Usually in a poker game you see some people talking or saying certain things to get into a person’s head to cause them to go on tilt (usually a comment on how they play)

This week, it was the mob mentality that took over.

Poor Valerie. She made it through 13 people to make it to the final table.

This is where the conversation took a turn for the worse.

The funny thing is that usually the talk is filled with cursing and foul language.

This time is was down right gross.

Know this, we are at the VPL, final table with a table full of egos.

With that, one gross story was topped off by another gross story which was then outdone by yet another gross story.

We found out that Valerie has a very weak stomach.

So the sharks smelled blood and it was on.

She was at the verge of loosing her cookies. She was getting gross things told to her along with sounds…..etc.

It was like watching motorcycle racing: you don’t want anyone to get hurt but in the back of your mind you’re waiting for a crash.

Only a sick mind would have enjoyed the antics last night. As everyone knows, the VPL is 90% filled with sick minds.
That story was just too funny not to be told.

Okay back to the action.

The night started of with 3 tables of 7.

This was whittled down to a final table of 8.

Which was then fine tuned to the bubble list of 4.

The following names appear on this list: TC, Brandon, Alex and Todd

As a person leaves this list, it then transcends into the money list.

Todd, TC and Alex.

With these three names means that there will be 2 new qualifiers.

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $35 was TC.

Heads-Up: Alex and Todd

This was a very good race.

At one point Alex went all in and was quickly called by Todd who held an over pair to Alex non-pair (both under cards).

The flop didn’t help Alex, the turn pair one of his cards. Then the miracle river hit his 2nd card for runner runner two pair.

I could be wrong but I remember that Todd’s overpair was a pocket pair of Kings.

In the end it always ends with an all-in and a call.

Coming in 2nd place with a win of $89 was Alex.

That means that week 2 belonged to Todd with the chip and a win of $178.

Congratulations to both Alex and Todd for qualifying for the TOC.

Now due to some technical difficulties: I am not perfect nor do I claim to be:

The computer payout last night was set for 19 people. The actual payouts were 161, 81 and 32 (which are incorrect). The correct payout is listed above..

I sent a text to both Alex and Todd on the error and informed them that they both have money coming to them.

I do apologize for this error. I try my best to make sure everything runs as smooth as possible but sometimes mistakes are made. All I can do is apologize and make it right.

On this note: I do want to thank everyone who helps me put up the chairs and tables as we break down. Thank you everyone.

Good luck everyone in week 4.

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