Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Season 27 Week 5

Season 27 Week 5

We have started on the last half of season 27.

Week 5 brought together 19 of the VPL’s finest players ( I do use that term loosely).

We had a small debate whether to start with two or three tables.

Normally a 19 person count would be 3 tables.

However, as always at the VPL, everyone is not always there when the cards go in the air.

This week the 2 table situation worked out very well.

Week 5 brought us a couple more people to qualify for the Holiday Inn.

This week made #20 for Brandon and Sam.

Congratulations to both of those gentlmen.

There are only 2 more tournaments before the Holiday Inn.

The players dropped relatively quickly this week.

We came to the bubble list in a very timely manner.

Without any further adeu, I present you the bubble list.

Randy, TC, Janna and Brandon.

Before I go any further, I have to give the chip stacks at this time.

With a very big league Brandon is the chip leader.

Then in 2nd stack is Janna.

Rounding 3rd is TC

And in 4th chip stack is Randy.

I always say this but it has proven itself to be true:

Anything can happen at the VPL.

At this time, I believe the blinds were 400/800.

The exact play may be off but the end result is correct.

TC folds pre-flop

Brandon limps in for 800 as does Janna.

Randy moves all-in.

Brandon then calls Randy’s all-in.

Janna thinks about it moves over the top all-in.

Brandon then calls Janna’s all-in.

At this point, chip leader is Brandon then Janna then Randy.

Brandon shows 3 3
Janna shows 6 6
Randy shows A J

The flop comes
2 10 4

No help to anyone with Janna in the lead.

The turn comes
2 10 4 6

This trips up Janna

It’s time for the river, that infamous place that makes or breaks a player at the VPL.

Well this week, the river broke two players, because the river this hand was the miracle 5.

2 10 4 6 5

Runner runner for Brandon to hit a straight and take both Janna and Randy out in the same hand.

I do believe this is the first time in VPL history that the bubble and the qualifying bubble was popped in the same hand.

By eliminating two people that means that we now have a heads-up:

Brandon and TC
Brandon had previously qualified.

Brandon enters this battle with an outstanding chip lead.

TC doubles up once but could hang when Brandon moved all-in with 66 against A 4s.

So in 2nd place TC took $80.

That means that week 5 belonged to Brandon.

With the victory, the chip and $161 Brandon wins week 5.

The action doesn’t stop there.

The points have tightened up a bit.

Next week the top two points people won’t be able to make it.

They have committed their money for the points.

We have a new chip leader this week.

Who will be leading after week 6?

Will there be any new qualifiers next week?

What kind of action can we expect to see next week?

All these questions will be answered and more next week.

Congratulations to TC for qualifying for the TOC

Good luck everyone.

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