Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Season 12 Week 8

This was the final week of season 12. The VPL enjoyed the presence of 13 players this week.

This week was important to me because I was in the race for the points. Going into it, I had James by 6 points.

The week got started with two players being blinded in. Randy and Michelle. Both made in back with the blinds at 25-50. They had around 750-800 in chips. Crazy, Randy was busted in two hands and had to wait for the cash game to break out.

The first one out of the tourney was Greg L. 2nd one out of the tourney was Bill.
3rd one out was James. With James, being busted out this early, solidified my winnings of the points for season twelve. I will receive $190 at the TOC next week.

Now the next big news was the non-qualifying points: Coming into this was Clay, Frank and Stan. Stan 42, Clay 40 and Frank 38. Stan left the tournament earning 4 points. This gave him a total of 46 points. Frank had to earn at least 8 points to tie stan.
Frank exited the tournament earning 7 points which gave him 45 points. His only chance now, was to have Clay qualify. Clay left the table in 4th place.
The non-qualifiers are Stan and Clay.

In the money were Dave, TC and Brandon. Dave left the table in 3rd place earning $34

Heads-up between myself and Brandon. I was outchipped going into it almost 4-1.

Blinds were 200-400. I had around 3K. The pot before the flop was 600. No raise pre-flop (800 in pot) I held 76os and the flop came 887. I moved all-in brandon thought about it and then called. held 7Qos. his kicker held up and he won the tournament along with $110 and the chip. I took $55 for my 2nd place finish.

We have 13 players qualified for the TOC next week.

Good Luck everyone.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Season 12 Week 7

This week was an excellent turnout for the VPL. This week was the biggest tournament in season 12 with 16 players. That's right, that means the winner received 20 points.

Two complete tables got the action started. There is a very tight points race with the top two non-qualifiers. Stan couldn't be there physically so he opted to pay for his seat and get blinded in. This race involves Clay, Stan and Frank. Before the tournament started Clay had 38pts, Stand had 33 and Frank had 30.

There is also a race for the over all points. Coming into the tournament I had 68pts and James had 63. Alot of people say that's a comfortable lead.......I am not one of those people. James is incredibly crafty. He came back in season 11 and won the points in the last tournament. Alex lead the points race through week7. After week 8 it was James who won the money by 1 point. Anything is possib.e at this point, I am definately not counting him out.

Back to the non-qualifiers. Clay was the 2nd to exit the poker arena. He received 2pts. When Frank was put to the rail, he received 5pts for his efforts. Stan made it to the final table (being blinded in). Also doubled up on had on an all-in. He was put out in 5th place (outlasting 11 people by being blinded in). He received 12 points.

Now the non qualifiers points are as follows: Stan 42pts, Clay 40pts, and Frank with 38pts. It will come down to week 8 to decided who will make it to the TOC.

Bubble time: Brandon, Steve, Bill and Todd. Todd was the one carrying the needle this week with a 4th place exit.

Money time:

Bill saw it was his time to go with a 3rd place finish and $40 in prize money.

Heads-up: Brandon and Steve. At this point, Brandon had previously qualified. But by going heads-up now Steve has earned his place in the TOC.

There only can be one winner and that person was Brandon. Steve 2nd place finish earned him 18pts and $68. Brandon took the chip and $136 for his efforts.

Interesting side note: it seems that every time there are 16 players Brandon finds a way to win.

Next week will decide who goes to the TOC and who wins the points.

Come and see who wins. Good Luck everyone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Season 12 Week 6

VPL had 14 people join in the festivities this week.

Very interesting week for the VPL. Going into the tournament there was a tie for the points lead with James and TC. Both with 54 points. James couldn't physically be at this weeks tournament, however, he did pay in advance to secure his seat. In a case like this, he had his chips blinded off and received the points.

On critical moment in the match came when I (being TC. Too hard to write in 3rd person)had around 1000 chips. Blinds were around 25-50. James stack had 800. I was in the small blind and dealt As7s. Frank in the big blind checked. The flop came
3 4 7 (rainbow). I bet out 600 with top pair and top kicker. Frank came over the top and went all-in. A call would have put my tournament life on the line. Frank had me covered. With the tournament and points race on the line, I folded the hand which left me short stacked with 400 chips.

Second critical hand for me. Two hands later I was dealt KK. I moved all in. Stan called as well as Michelle. Brandon was thinking about calling. I certainly did not was two callers let alone three. Brandon folded and it was three way action.

flop comes rag, K, six. Michelle bets out and Stan calls. The turn came a 6. Michelle checked and Stan checked. River was a rag. Both checked I took the main pot down with a full house and Michelle took the side down.

I needed that triple in a bad way.

James eventually got blinded off in 6th place for a total of 9 points.

Bubble time came down to Greg, Michelle, TC and Frank.

As every week, someone was carrying the needle to pop the bubble. When it came down to 4 way, it was quite the battle with no one being extremely short stacked. This week, it was Frank who went out in 4th place.

In the money. At this point, the blinds are 200-400. I wake up with pocket fives as the dealer. I raise to 1200. Greg in the small blind goes over the top and moves all-in. Michelle folds.

I called. I was hoping to go against to over cards. When he flipped over his cards he had pocket kings. The kings held up and I went out in 3rd place with $35 and 14 points.

Heads-up with Michelle and Greg. They battled back and forth. Michelle went all in once and was called but doubled up to around 3400.

When it was said and done. It was Greg who came out the victor. Michelle took $60 for her effort. Greg took the chip as well as $110.

Both Michelle and Greg are now qualified for the TOC.

With Michelle qualifying and Franks 4th place finish. Frank is now in the top two non-qualifiers for TOC after week 6.

There are only two tournaments left in Season 6.

Sidenote: This is the only tournament where Michelle and I both made the money. Personally, I wished I went heads up with her. Very interesting match.

See everyone for week 7.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Season 12 Week 5

Well it was a short tourney for the VPL. Only 10 people showed up. VPL rules state that when less than 11 players show up there will be no 4th place pot and the the distribution will be 1st - 50%, 2nd - 30% and 3rd20%.

TC came into this tourney with a healthy 11 point lead. But he was 2nd out only giving him two points.

bubble time came down to Tammy, Frank, James and Clay. Clay would be the one to pop the bubble. Frank ended up taking third place with a win of $34.

Going into heads up James had Tammy outchipped by a lot. Tammy eventually fell short of winning and took 2nd place with a win of $51.

James took 1st with a win of $85 and the chip. With this win, James earned 13 points and now is tied for the points leader with 54 points.

Luckily, for TC it was a small turnout because if more people would have come, James would have gotten more points.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Season 12 week4

This week there were 13 players at the VPL.

The bubble people were: Brandon, Jason, Todd and James.

This was quite the final four. All very good players. The question is who would be the one with the needle. On week 4, it was james would pop the bubble.

Todd took 3rd place with $34 in winnings. Heads up with Jason and Brandon. Jason was very agressive all through the final table. When the dust settled it was Brandon who was the victor. He claimed $110 and the chip for his hard work. Jason collected $55.

This is the middle of Season 12. There are now 7 people qualified for the TOC: TC, James, Bill, Todd, Brandon, Randy and Jason.

Season 12 week 3

This week brought 13 people to duke it out on the felt.

always tough action at the VPL. This week was no different.

bubble people this week were: Randy, Bill, Tammy and TC.

Unfortunately, it was TC who had the needle this week to pop the bubble. He received 11 points for his efforts.

Tammy took third place with winnings of $34.

Heads up was between Randy and Todd. After passing the chip lead back and forth. Randy came out on top to take 1st place and $110 along with the chip.

Todd took 2nd place and $55.

Season 12 week 2

This week brought 12 players to battle it out on the felt.

Two tables of six got the action started. As always, the final table is made up of eight.

Bubble action: Renee, James, TC and Clay. Someone always has to have a needle to pop the bubble. This week Clay was the culprit.

Money time: Renee, TC and James. Renee was extrememly shortstacked but managed to stay alive for a few rounds with double ups. At one point she was all-in in the dark and tripled up.

But as the blinds went up, her chances of survival went down. She eventually took third place with a prize of $30.

Heads up with TC and James. Battle for battle it went but James took second place with a winning of $51 and TC won the tourney and $102 with the chip.

Untill next week.