Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Season 12 Week 8

This was the final week of season 12. The VPL enjoyed the presence of 13 players this week.

This week was important to me because I was in the race for the points. Going into it, I had James by 6 points.

The week got started with two players being blinded in. Randy and Michelle. Both made in back with the blinds at 25-50. They had around 750-800 in chips. Crazy, Randy was busted in two hands and had to wait for the cash game to break out.

The first one out of the tourney was Greg L. 2nd one out of the tourney was Bill.
3rd one out was James. With James, being busted out this early, solidified my winnings of the points for season twelve. I will receive $190 at the TOC next week.

Now the next big news was the non-qualifying points: Coming into this was Clay, Frank and Stan. Stan 42, Clay 40 and Frank 38. Stan left the tournament earning 4 points. This gave him a total of 46 points. Frank had to earn at least 8 points to tie stan.
Frank exited the tournament earning 7 points which gave him 45 points. His only chance now, was to have Clay qualify. Clay left the table in 4th place.
The non-qualifiers are Stan and Clay.

In the money were Dave, TC and Brandon. Dave left the table in 3rd place earning $34

Heads-up between myself and Brandon. I was outchipped going into it almost 4-1.

Blinds were 200-400. I had around 3K. The pot before the flop was 600. No raise pre-flop (800 in pot) I held 76os and the flop came 887. I moved all-in brandon thought about it and then called. held 7Qos. his kicker held up and he won the tournament along with $110 and the chip. I took $55 for my 2nd place finish.

We have 13 players qualified for the TOC next week.

Good Luck everyone.


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