Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Season 12 Week 6

VPL had 14 people join in the festivities this week.

Very interesting week for the VPL. Going into the tournament there was a tie for the points lead with James and TC. Both with 54 points. James couldn't physically be at this weeks tournament, however, he did pay in advance to secure his seat. In a case like this, he had his chips blinded off and received the points.

On critical moment in the match came when I (being TC. Too hard to write in 3rd person)had around 1000 chips. Blinds were around 25-50. James stack had 800. I was in the small blind and dealt As7s. Frank in the big blind checked. The flop came
3 4 7 (rainbow). I bet out 600 with top pair and top kicker. Frank came over the top and went all-in. A call would have put my tournament life on the line. Frank had me covered. With the tournament and points race on the line, I folded the hand which left me short stacked with 400 chips.

Second critical hand for me. Two hands later I was dealt KK. I moved all in. Stan called as well as Michelle. Brandon was thinking about calling. I certainly did not was two callers let alone three. Brandon folded and it was three way action.

flop comes rag, K, six. Michelle bets out and Stan calls. The turn came a 6. Michelle checked and Stan checked. River was a rag. Both checked I took the main pot down with a full house and Michelle took the side down.

I needed that triple in a bad way.

James eventually got blinded off in 6th place for a total of 9 points.

Bubble time came down to Greg, Michelle, TC and Frank.

As every week, someone was carrying the needle to pop the bubble. When it came down to 4 way, it was quite the battle with no one being extremely short stacked. This week, it was Frank who went out in 4th place.

In the money. At this point, the blinds are 200-400. I wake up with pocket fives as the dealer. I raise to 1200. Greg in the small blind goes over the top and moves all-in. Michelle folds.

I called. I was hoping to go against to over cards. When he flipped over his cards he had pocket kings. The kings held up and I went out in 3rd place with $35 and 14 points.

Heads-up with Michelle and Greg. They battled back and forth. Michelle went all in once and was called but doubled up to around 3400.

When it was said and done. It was Greg who came out the victor. Michelle took $60 for her effort. Greg took the chip as well as $110.

Both Michelle and Greg are now qualified for the TOC.

With Michelle qualifying and Franks 4th place finish. Frank is now in the top two non-qualifiers for TOC after week 6.

There are only two tournaments left in Season 6.

Sidenote: This is the only tournament where Michelle and I both made the money. Personally, I wished I went heads up with her. Very interesting match.

See everyone for week 7.

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