Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Season 12 Week 7

This week was an excellent turnout for the VPL. This week was the biggest tournament in season 12 with 16 players. That's right, that means the winner received 20 points.

Two complete tables got the action started. There is a very tight points race with the top two non-qualifiers. Stan couldn't be there physically so he opted to pay for his seat and get blinded in. This race involves Clay, Stan and Frank. Before the tournament started Clay had 38pts, Stand had 33 and Frank had 30.

There is also a race for the over all points. Coming into the tournament I had 68pts and James had 63. Alot of people say that's a comfortable lead.......I am not one of those people. James is incredibly crafty. He came back in season 11 and won the points in the last tournament. Alex lead the points race through week7. After week 8 it was James who won the money by 1 point. Anything is possib.e at this point, I am definately not counting him out.

Back to the non-qualifiers. Clay was the 2nd to exit the poker arena. He received 2pts. When Frank was put to the rail, he received 5pts for his efforts. Stan made it to the final table (being blinded in). Also doubled up on had on an all-in. He was put out in 5th place (outlasting 11 people by being blinded in). He received 12 points.

Now the non qualifiers points are as follows: Stan 42pts, Clay 40pts, and Frank with 38pts. It will come down to week 8 to decided who will make it to the TOC.

Bubble time: Brandon, Steve, Bill and Todd. Todd was the one carrying the needle this week with a 4th place exit.

Money time:

Bill saw it was his time to go with a 3rd place finish and $40 in prize money.

Heads-up: Brandon and Steve. At this point, Brandon had previously qualified. But by going heads-up now Steve has earned his place in the TOC.

There only can be one winner and that person was Brandon. Steve 2nd place finish earned him 18pts and $68. Brandon took the chip and $136 for his efforts.

Interesting side note: it seems that every time there are 16 players Brandon finds a way to win.

Next week will decide who goes to the TOC and who wins the points.

Come and see who wins. Good Luck everyone.

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