Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Exciting news for poker leagues in Colorado

This was an article that I came by. I wanted to share this information with everyone.

Poker is on a bit of a hot streak, at least in the courts. Following on the victory in the Kentucky domain name case and the recent ruling by a Pennsylvania court judge that poker is a game of skill comes news out of Colorado of another win for poker.

There, a jury found the organizer of a poker league not guilty of illegal gambling.
What had started as a friendly poker tournament at Rafferty's, a Greeley, Colo., bar, ended up with the organizer, Kevin Raley, facing charges of illegal gambling. Law enforcement agencies had raided Rafferty's last August and arrested Raley and four others under Colorado's antigambling law.

But Raley, aided by the Poker Players Alliance and its Litigation Support Network, fought the
lawsuit. His attorney Todd Taylor presented expert testimony by University of Denver statistics professor Robert Hannum that poker is a game of skill. As such, Taylor argued, it was exempt from the antigambling statute under which Raley was prosecuted.
That statute defines illegal gambling as "risking any money, credit, deposit, or other thing of value for gain contingent in whole or in part upon lot, chance, the operation of a gambling device, or the happening or outcome of an event, including a sporting event, over which the person taking a risk has no control, but does not include bona fide contests of skill."
Professor Hannum is the author of Practical Casino Math, which uses mathematical theory to evaluate various casino games, and teaches classes such as the Art and of Science of Poker. He testified at trial that poker was primarily a game of skill and not of chance. The jury agreed and found Raley not guilty of illegal gambling.

"The PPA is pleased with the outcome of this case. It is further confirmation that poker is indeed a game of skill, not chance," said Gary Reed, the Colorado state director of the PPA.
"At the same time, the not guilty verdict cements the rights of Colorado citizens to enjoy the American pastime of poker and will allow law enforcement to use its scarce resources to investigate real unlawful activity in the state, not poker games."

The defendant was understandably happy with the outcome of the prosecution. "I am pleased that the jury agreed that my actions in organizing a poker league did not constitute illegal gambling," said Raley. "As a proud member of the PPA, I want to thank them for their support of my case."

This win was also a victory for the PPA Litigation Support Network, a free service to PPA
members which provides legal advice as well as attorney referrals for those with poker-related legal issues.

Season 17 Week 2

This week the VPL was on the verge of making history. As per VPL rules, the blinds will be capped when they reach 500/1000.

The blinds have only been capped twice of the 146 tournaments of the VPL. And they have never been capped while we have been playing at my house.

This week when the final two were battling, the buzzer rang indicating the end of the blinds. The next set of blinds would be 500/1000. The buzzer rang in the middle of the hand while the blinds were 400/800. It turned out that this would be the last hand of the night. The tournament ended at the 400/800 level. There was no hand dealt with blinds at 500/1000.

The final hand was won by..................................not quite yet. Keep reading and you'll find out who won this week.

This week represents week 2 of season 17. This week 15 people came to play for the chip, the money and the bragging rights.

bubble time: Jame, TC, Clay and Randy.

This bubble was a little different. There were 4 players and 2 short stacks. TC and Randy were the two short stacks. Both players were trying to wait out the other to see who would be this weeks bubble boy.

Unfortunately for Randy, the blinds were not kind to his stack. Randy was blinded out in 4th place in week 2.

Money time included TC, James, and Clay.

At this point, it was very good poker. Chips were being traded back and forth between the three players.

Someone had to make a stand and that someone was TC.

TC moved all in with K 10 with a quick call from Clay holding A Q.

flop comes 9 K 10.

TC fires in front with two pair on the flop.

Turn comes a J

Clay fires right past him with a straight.

The river comes a blank and TC exits the table in 3rd place with a $38 win.

Heads up: Clay and James.

Clay has previous qualified by winning week 1.

Again the battle was fierce.

The buzzer rang indicating the end of the blinds of 400/800.

With an All-in from James and a call from Clay. This was the last hand of the night.

I guess this is the point where I have to put in who won. OK.

After the chips going back and forth, after the all-ins and calls, after the lucky river hits and catching cards.

It was James who had to settle for 2nd place with a $64 win.

Clay was the victor, once again, with a 1st place finish, the chip and a $128 win.

Congratulations to James for qualifying this week.

Congratulations to Clay for winning back to back.

Will Clay go for the three-peat? You will just have to come to the VPL and find out.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you next week.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Season 17 Week 1

A great way to start seaon 17. Two full tables with 16 players.

The VPL had a very good opening week for Season 17.

Crunch time: The bubble.

4 players with only 3 spots paying.

They were: Michelle, Bill, Clay and TC

TC got up from the table in 4th place and popping the bubble with zero pay.

Money time was with: Michelle, Bill and Clay

Clay came into this 3 way battle a massive chip leader.

Two short stacks: Michelle and Bill.

It came down to the battle of wills. Not only were these two players fighting it out for the money but also who would be qualified for the TOC.

There is an answer to that question......................and the answer is..........................Bill.

Bill found himself taken out by Clay in 3rd place with a $40 win.

Heads up was with Michelle and Clay.

Going into heads up, Clay had a massive chip lead over Michelle.

Unlike heads up in the past few weeks, this was not a quick battle.

The war ended at the blinds of 400/800.

Michelle held on for as long as she could, unfortunately she didn't have enough ammunition for the big blinds and found herself finishing in 2nd place with a win of $68.

That means the first win of season 17 went to Clay. The chip and $136.

Congratulations to both Clay and Michelle for being the first two to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you next week.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Season 16 Tournament of Champions

This is it! The Tournament of Champions for season 16.

Season 16 has been the biggest in VPL history with a total number of 133 seats in the 8 weeks of play. Ironically, with all the new players there were only 11 seats qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations goes out to Frank for winning the points for Season 16. This win has Frank pocketing $250.

This season everyone came to play for the title, the money and the bracelet.

I would like to give a big thanks to Frank who was kind enough to donate a poker chip set to the winner of the TOC.

This seasons payout was large. We had alternate players waiting in the wings for their chance to buy a seat from anyone who didn't show up. Unfortunately for them, everyone who qualified came.

Let's get it started:

This TOC had 11 players which meant that 4 places were being paid out.

Bubble time:

Alan, James, Todd, Brandon and TC.

* I believe this was a pivotal hand.

Blinds were at 100-200. TC is on the BB and Todd is on the button. Todd raises to $600.

TC has an additional $1,525 in front of him. Pot size is about $1,100 (included one caller).
TC looks down and sees pocket 5's.

TC comes over the top and moves all-in. The first caller folds.
Todd goes into the tank and thinks about it. This would be a call for a majority of his money.
Todd thinks.........and thinks..............and thinks.

Todd makes the call. TC shows his pocket 5's and Todd shows AKos.

Todd turns a K and wins the hand. TC is busted out on the bubble.

Money time: Brandon, Alan, Todd and James.

Brandon is short stacked and is the first to leave the table with a 4th place finish and $60.

* 2nd big hand of the game:

3 way action. Blinds are still 100-200.

Todd raises pre-flop to $600. Alan takes a minute and then moves -over the top all-in.

Todd calls.

Alan shows JJ and Todd shows A K.

Todd flops A K for two pair. Alan turns an inside straight draw. The river comes a blank. Todd takes Alan out with AK.

Alan leaves the table in 3rd place with an $89 win.

Heads up between James and Todd.

Both players are previous bracelet winners. James is going for #4 and Todd is going for #2.

Going into the game James is outchipped by Todd.

This is the first (and only hand of heads up).

pre-flop is checked by both players.
flop is 9 5 4.

James moves all-in and Todd calls.

James shows 5 6 and Todd shows Q 4. Turn is a blank and the river is a Q giving Todd the win.

James gets 2nd place and earns $149.

Todd's 1st place finish earned him: The bracelet, The money ($298) and the chipset.

The last 4 weeks of heads-up play have been 5 hands or less.

Congratulations to all of seasons 16 winners. Also to Todd for winning the TOC.

Hopefully season 17 will be as successful as season 16.

Good luck to everyone and we'll see you next week for the start of Season 17!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Season 16 Week 8

Starting 2009 off with a bang! The VPL was the place where 17 people played for their last chance to qualify for the TOC.

This season (16) has been the biggest season in VPL history with the amount of people that played. Total number of seats this season 133. This number is what will make this years TOC's payout very nice.

We start where we always start on the bubble. The four people were: Frank, Randy, Bill and Alan.

We have an interesting situtation here: two previous qualifiers along with two non-qualifiers.

This week it was Alan who reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out the needle to pop the bubble going out in 4th place.

This left Randy,Bill and Frank.

This meant that there will be at least one new qualifier.

This was an important position for both Bill and Randy. They both had to qualify in order to make it to the TOC.

When it came time to exit it 3rd place, it was Bill who had to step away from the table with a $44 win. Unfortunately Bill's 3rd place finish did not help him make the TOC.

Heads-Up: Frank and Randy.

This was interesting because the last two weeks, the head-ups matches did not go for more than 5 hands. This week was no different.

In less than 4 hands, the tournament ended. This time it was Frank going out in 2nd place with a $70 win and Randy winning the tournament, the chip, $145 and now a seat at the TOC.

Congratulations Randy.

Also want to give congratulations to Frank for winning the points. This has been the biggest season yet for the VPL. Because of the number of seats, this seasons points winner will receive $250.
* Frank ended the season with 117 points. The most points in a single season in VPL history. That is covering 16 seasons.

The following people will be battling it out next week for the TOC:
Frank, Brandon, Steve, Michelle, James, Jason, Quentin, Randy, Alan, TC and Todd

Again because of the number of seats in season 16, the payout will be very nice.
There are 11 players in the TOC. This means that there will be 4 places paid.
The following will be the payout (assuming that all 11 players show up)
1st - $298
2nd -$149
3rd - $ 89
4th - $ 60

Good Luck everyone and let's make the VPL the place to play poker in 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Season 16 Week 7

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The VPL finished up a very exciting with week number 7.

The VPL hosted 17 players to end 2008.

The last 5 weeks have been at least 16 players. Very nice!

Now on to the action of the last tourney of 2008:

The bubble people were: Quentin, James, Steve and Brandon

This week it was Brandon who reached into his pocket for the pin to pop the bubble.

Money time between: James, Quentin and Steve.

At least one new qualifier this week, but it wouldn't be James because he exited the table in 3rd place with a win of $44.

Heads Up: Quentin and Steve.

Just like last week, this battle didn't last minutes but only hands.

I think it was just 4 hands and the tournament was over.

Steve shook Quentin's hand with a 2nd place win and $70.

Quentin was the one who, in the end had all the chips. His 1st place finish qualifies him for the TOC and a cash prize of $145.

This week was very interesting because with 17 people the tournament ended around 11:30.

The blinds were only 150/300.

We now have 10 people qualified for the TOC.

11 or more people in the TOC will mean starting with two tables and 4 places get paid.
Less than 11 people means that the TOC will start with only 1 table and top 3 get paid.

Will we have more than 10..............well you'll have to come play next week and find out.

With the number of entries this season, the TOC will have a very nice payout.

Good Luck Everyone and we'll see you next week.

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