Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Season 16 Week 8

Starting 2009 off with a bang! The VPL was the place where 17 people played for their last chance to qualify for the TOC.

This season (16) has been the biggest season in VPL history with the amount of people that played. Total number of seats this season 133. This number is what will make this years TOC's payout very nice.

We start where we always start on the bubble. The four people were: Frank, Randy, Bill and Alan.

We have an interesting situtation here: two previous qualifiers along with two non-qualifiers.

This week it was Alan who reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out the needle to pop the bubble going out in 4th place.

This left Randy,Bill and Frank.

This meant that there will be at least one new qualifier.

This was an important position for both Bill and Randy. They both had to qualify in order to make it to the TOC.

When it came time to exit it 3rd place, it was Bill who had to step away from the table with a $44 win. Unfortunately Bill's 3rd place finish did not help him make the TOC.

Heads-Up: Frank and Randy.

This was interesting because the last two weeks, the head-ups matches did not go for more than 5 hands. This week was no different.

In less than 4 hands, the tournament ended. This time it was Frank going out in 2nd place with a $70 win and Randy winning the tournament, the chip, $145 and now a seat at the TOC.

Congratulations Randy.

Also want to give congratulations to Frank for winning the points. This has been the biggest season yet for the VPL. Because of the number of seats, this seasons points winner will receive $250.
* Frank ended the season with 117 points. The most points in a single season in VPL history. That is covering 16 seasons.

The following people will be battling it out next week for the TOC:
Frank, Brandon, Steve, Michelle, James, Jason, Quentin, Randy, Alan, TC and Todd

Again because of the number of seats in season 16, the payout will be very nice.
There are 11 players in the TOC. This means that there will be 4 places paid.
The following will be the payout (assuming that all 11 players show up)
1st - $298
2nd -$149
3rd - $ 89
4th - $ 60

Good Luck everyone and let's make the VPL the place to play poker in 2009!

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