Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Season 17 Week 2

This week the VPL was on the verge of making history. As per VPL rules, the blinds will be capped when they reach 500/1000.

The blinds have only been capped twice of the 146 tournaments of the VPL. And they have never been capped while we have been playing at my house.

This week when the final two were battling, the buzzer rang indicating the end of the blinds. The next set of blinds would be 500/1000. The buzzer rang in the middle of the hand while the blinds were 400/800. It turned out that this would be the last hand of the night. The tournament ended at the 400/800 level. There was no hand dealt with blinds at 500/1000.

The final hand was won by..................................not quite yet. Keep reading and you'll find out who won this week.

This week represents week 2 of season 17. This week 15 people came to play for the chip, the money and the bragging rights.

bubble time: Jame, TC, Clay and Randy.

This bubble was a little different. There were 4 players and 2 short stacks. TC and Randy were the two short stacks. Both players were trying to wait out the other to see who would be this weeks bubble boy.

Unfortunately for Randy, the blinds were not kind to his stack. Randy was blinded out in 4th place in week 2.

Money time included TC, James, and Clay.

At this point, it was very good poker. Chips were being traded back and forth between the three players.

Someone had to make a stand and that someone was TC.

TC moved all in with K 10 with a quick call from Clay holding A Q.

flop comes 9 K 10.

TC fires in front with two pair on the flop.

Turn comes a J

Clay fires right past him with a straight.

The river comes a blank and TC exits the table in 3rd place with a $38 win.

Heads up: Clay and James.

Clay has previous qualified by winning week 1.

Again the battle was fierce.

The buzzer rang indicating the end of the blinds of 400/800.

With an All-in from James and a call from Clay. This was the last hand of the night.

I guess this is the point where I have to put in who won. OK.

After the chips going back and forth, after the all-ins and calls, after the lucky river hits and catching cards.

It was James who had to settle for 2nd place with a $64 win.

Clay was the victor, once again, with a 1st place finish, the chip and a $128 win.

Congratulations to James for qualifying this week.

Congratulations to Clay for winning back to back.

Will Clay go for the three-peat? You will just have to come to the VPL and find out.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you next week.

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