Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Season 16 Tournament of Champions

This is it! The Tournament of Champions for season 16.

Season 16 has been the biggest in VPL history with a total number of 133 seats in the 8 weeks of play. Ironically, with all the new players there were only 11 seats qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations goes out to Frank for winning the points for Season 16. This win has Frank pocketing $250.

This season everyone came to play for the title, the money and the bracelet.

I would like to give a big thanks to Frank who was kind enough to donate a poker chip set to the winner of the TOC.

This seasons payout was large. We had alternate players waiting in the wings for their chance to buy a seat from anyone who didn't show up. Unfortunately for them, everyone who qualified came.

Let's get it started:

This TOC had 11 players which meant that 4 places were being paid out.

Bubble time:

Alan, James, Todd, Brandon and TC.

* I believe this was a pivotal hand.

Blinds were at 100-200. TC is on the BB and Todd is on the button. Todd raises to $600.

TC has an additional $1,525 in front of him. Pot size is about $1,100 (included one caller).
TC looks down and sees pocket 5's.

TC comes over the top and moves all-in. The first caller folds.
Todd goes into the tank and thinks about it. This would be a call for a majority of his money.
Todd thinks.........and thinks..............and thinks.

Todd makes the call. TC shows his pocket 5's and Todd shows AKos.

Todd turns a K and wins the hand. TC is busted out on the bubble.

Money time: Brandon, Alan, Todd and James.

Brandon is short stacked and is the first to leave the table with a 4th place finish and $60.

* 2nd big hand of the game:

3 way action. Blinds are still 100-200.

Todd raises pre-flop to $600. Alan takes a minute and then moves -over the top all-in.

Todd calls.

Alan shows JJ and Todd shows A K.

Todd flops A K for two pair. Alan turns an inside straight draw. The river comes a blank. Todd takes Alan out with AK.

Alan leaves the table in 3rd place with an $89 win.

Heads up between James and Todd.

Both players are previous bracelet winners. James is going for #4 and Todd is going for #2.

Going into the game James is outchipped by Todd.

This is the first (and only hand of heads up).

pre-flop is checked by both players.
flop is 9 5 4.

James moves all-in and Todd calls.

James shows 5 6 and Todd shows Q 4. Turn is a blank and the river is a Q giving Todd the win.

James gets 2nd place and earns $149.

Todd's 1st place finish earned him: The bracelet, The money ($298) and the chipset.

The last 4 weeks of heads-up play have been 5 hands or less.

Congratulations to all of seasons 16 winners. Also to Todd for winning the TOC.

Hopefully season 17 will be as successful as season 16.

Good luck to everyone and we'll see you next week for the start of Season 17!

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