Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Season 22 Week 6

We will start 2010 off in the correct way.

The blog is updated right away.

The start of 2010 was nothing less than amazing.

This year began with 23 people who brought their money and a dream of winning it all.

There 23 people at the VPL, as a result, there was $27 which is entered into the Holiday Invitational Tournament in December.

With the new format, 3 people get paid.

There are 4 names on the bubble list this week and they are:

David, Clay, George, and Angela

With this array of characters, there are two previous qualifiers and two that have not.

Who had the magic pin.......

All you have to do is ask.

This week the magic pin belonged to Clay.

Clay exited the table in 4th place.

With this exit brings us to the money list:

George, Angela and David.

Will there be 1 or 2 new qualifiers this week?

The answer is...................................2.

Next to leave the table in 3rd place was David with a win of $39.

Heads-Up: Angela vs George

Going into the battle, George had the chip lead.

I have to say that this was the most see-sawed (yes that is a word) battle of the VPL to date.

At one point, Angela was all-in with only 1 bet left. George called and doubled her up.

Then we would have an all-in and a call only to switch about $8,000 in chips.

A couple of hands later another all-in and call. This time another $8,000 in chips would switch the other way.

This probably happened about 3 or 4 times.

The tournament ended with the blinds at 800/1,600.

With one last all-in and call..................................

It was George who fell short this week. George would finish the tournament in 2nd place with a win of $97.

Which meant that Angela took down the first tournament of 2010 at the VPL.

Her 1st place finish earned her the chip and $195.

Congratulations to both George and Angela for qualifying for the TOC.

The points leader board changed once again.

There are only two weeks left in season 22.

Do you have what it takes to play at the VPL?

Only one way to find out, we will see you next week.

Good luck everyone.

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