Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Season 22 Week 7

This was a crazy week at the VPL.

This week the VPL hosted 24 players.

The points race was intense. One player was even blinded in all the way for points.

24 players meant that we started off with three full tables.

Within the first three levels we were down to two tables.

Combing tables before the break is almost unheard of, but it happened.

That caused me to think the tournament wasn't going to last very long.

I was wrong. The tournament ended with the blinds being 1,000/2,000 and ended after 2:00.

Before this tournament Clay was 4 points behind the leader.

Clay wasn't in town but paid and had his chips blinded off for points.

That move paid off for him.

He is now tied for the points race.

Next week is the final week and will determine who wins the points money.

Also, there was a 5th spot paid, so that money goes to the Holiday Invitational.

The updated balance is to the right.

Now to our favorite spot of the blog: Bubble time

The four players on this list were: Jason, James, Joe and Alan

Joe reached back and popped the bubble this week in 4th place.

Money time: James, Jason and Alan

The only person to have previously qualified with this three is Alan.

In 3rd place with a win of $40 was Jason.

Heads UP: James and Alan

Now this was one tough battle.

Blinds were $1,000/$2,000 when it was finished.

In 2nd place, and qualifying for the TOC, with a win of $102 was James.

That means that week 7's winner, along with the chip and $204 was Alan.

That makes 11 qualifiers for the TOC.

Who will win points next week?

Will there be any new qualifiers to the TOC?

You know the drill, only one way to find out................................come and play!

Good luck to everyone next week!

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