Wednesday, May 26, 2010


There will be no poker scheduled for the VPL for the next two weeks.

We will start season 25 on June 15, 2010.

Same time and same starting rules.

Season 24 Week 8

This is it! We have put season 24 in the books.

Alot to be reported on this season.

This season has brought the VPL some more firsts.

This season has brought us 30 players.

Early in the season we started 4 tables because of the turnouts.

This season has been the biggest season to date.

Never thought it was possible to have 4 tables in the they say "Built it and they will come" And they have.

When we thought hitting 100 points was the feat to accomplish, it pales to the fact that season 24 had 18 people hit 100 points.

We can now crown a winner of season 24 points.

This season saw James earn an incredible 180 points. This effort has earned him the biggest points payout to date. He won $382.00.

Congratulations to James.

Excellent season 24.

It is now time to conclude the reporting on "The Joe Challenge". Unfortunately he didn't meet his goal. However, there are a few people who now can buy lunch (courtesy of Joe).

His efforts weren't for nothing because he is now the first alternate in case someone cannot make the TOC.

This will be the biggest TOC to date:

14 players are qualified:

The scheduled payout will be:

1st - $427
2nd -$213
3rd -$128
4th -$ 85

This last week we saw a drop in the numbers. But don't let that fool you. We had 21 players come tonight for their last chance to qualify.

This week we ran 3 tables.

Around 10:40 we saw the final table being formed.

One hour later, we see the names on the bubble list:
Todd, Angela, Joe and David P

It was a rough bubble, but in the end it was Angela who reached into her bag of tricks and pulled out the mighty pin to pop the bubble.

Money time is next:

David P, Joe, and Todd

None of these three have previously qualified.

This puts an interesting spin for points.

Going out in 3rd place, with a win of $35 was Joe.

Heads-Up: David P and Todd

Big bets and biggers calls will lead us to crown this weeks champion.

Going out in 2nd place with a win of $89 was Todd.

That means in 1st place, with the chip, along with $178 was David P.

Congratulations to both Todd and David P for qualifying for the TOC.

A 2nd congratulations goes to David P for coming off a win at the La Bamba tournament this past Saturday.

There are now 14 players qualified for the TOC on May 27, 2010.

We will start Season 25 on June 16, 2010.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Season 24 Week 7

This week was a very interesting week.

The weather was crazy. There was a tornado warning all day.

If there was a moon to be seen last night I'm sure it would have been full.

I'm sure this caused a shift in the tides.

Let's just get this started.

Week 7 brought together a total of 29 people.

The action was very fast.

We started the night with 4 tables (7, 7,7 &8)

We started the tournament around 7:20. Normal time nothing unusual.

We had the tournament down to two tables at 9:40.

13 people were gone in about 2 1/2 hours.

Would the action slow down.

No, because an hour later at 10:45 the final table was formed.

When the 4th person dropped from the final table, the bubble list was formed.

This list contained: Bart, Steve, Mark, and Jeremy

Within this list there was only one previous qualifier (Steve).

The Bubble was popped at 11:38 by Mark.

Mark went out in 4th place with 27 points.

Money time: Steve, Jeremy and Bart.

At this point we are guaranteed at least one new qualifier.

Going out in 3rd place, 29 points with a win of $49 was Steve.

Just twenty minutes after the money list was created we had our Heads-Up.

At 12:00, the clock was stopped and the heads-up match was set.

With only a few hands in this match a winner was crowned.

Finishing in 2nd place with a win of $123 was.............................Jeremy.

That's right! Week 6's chip and $246 belonged to Bart with a 1st place finish.

Congratulations to Bart and Jeremy for becoming the next two to qualify for the TOC.

Next week will be the final chance to qualify.

You have to play to win!

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

La Bamba Tournament

Just a friendly reminder to everyone:

La Bamba
May 22, 2010
12:00 (high noon)

$30 buyin.

$5 bounty on everyone.

$15 Re-buy Mark

It is on at Mark's house Friday nite!

$15 Re-buy
$ 5 add-on

You know the place and be there before 7:15 to get the $500 bonus.

Good luck everyone

Season 24 Week 6

I want to start by thanking everyone for the vote for the new chairs and chips.

This season has been the seasons of firsts.

This week there is another 1st to report.

Week 6 brought 4 tables to the VPL this week.

With 4 tables we have eliminated the waiting list (so far).

Now the waiting list will start after 32 players.

We also implemented the procedure of drawing when you sign in.

It made to a very smooth start to the tournament.

The starting time to come and register and pay will be 6:45pm

On to the show:

Week 6 brought 29 people together.

We started with tables of 7, 7, 7 and 8.

You have to adjust your play when you have a field of 29.

This adjustment comes easy for some but for others it can be a struggle.

The bubble list contained the following players:

James, Brian L, Scott and Todd

This buble list came down to the battle of the wills (and the hard headed).

With multiple all-ins and then double-ups.

Popping the bubble this week proved to be very difficult.

No one wanted to bubble but you know the drill...........someone had to.

This week, going out in 4th place was Scott.

That brings us to the money list:

James, Todd and Brian L

Next to the leave the felt was Todd in 3rd place with a win of $49.

Heads-Up: Brian L and James.

At the blinds of 1,000 - 2,000 we had our final all-in and call:

When the river card hit, it was James going out in 2nd place with a win of $123.

That means to the victor go the spoils.

In 1st place, with the chips and $246 was Brian L.

Congratulations to Brian L.

For the 2nd week in a row there were no new qualifiers.

There are more names to add the the list of Holiday Inn qualifiers:

This week: Steve and Janice get their names added to the list.

This season will be the biggest yet for the VPL.

Bigger seasons mean bigger payouts.

Come next week for your chance at the big payouts.

Good luck everyone.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cash Game

I know that is hasn't been very long since I made the decision to stop the cash game.
After discussing the situation with my advisory board and the parties involved an agreement has been reached.
The cash game is back on.
Warning: This is to anyone who threatens a fight or threatens to hit someone out of anger will be banned from the cash game and possibly the tournament.
I put together the VPL for entertainment. I enjoy putting the tournaments together along with my cheezy blogs and videos. It does get discouraging if I have to be on toes every week and wonder who will act up that night. I want to have a good time along with everyone.
I don't mind the drinking or the shit talking. That's what poker is all about.
It's when the tone changes and it becomes personal that problems begin.
I hope that everyone can understand my position on this matter.
I do listen to everyone's opinion on any matter.
I do appreciate everyone's input on the holiday inn tournament.
Thank you and good luck.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Season 24 Week 5

(Tuesday nights will be only the tournament)
When people ask where is the best place for tournament poker.......
The answer is always........THE VPL.
Season 24 has given us awhole lot of surprises (some good and some not so good).
We've had to adjust to some growing pains. ie: blind lengths have changed.
We have the beginning qualifiers for the holiday inn: TC, James, Joe and Angela
We also hit one other record last night.
As fast as the blinds were going up, the tournament ended with the blinds at 1,500-3,000.
Two new levels will be added to the blinds:
2,000 - 4,000
3,000 - 6,000
It's just crazy. The blinds start at 5 -10 and ended at 1,500 - 3,000.
Once again, the VPL hosted 30 people at this weeks tournament.
The starting time to register and get on the list is 6:45pm.
When 24 people are present and paid we will draw for seats (doesn't matter what time it is).
The 7:15 bonus time is still in effect.
There are 3 possible levels to start the tournament:
1. full stack of 1,200 (being signed in, paid and there for the draw. even if you are passed #24)
2. full stack of 1,000 (being signed in, paid and there before 7:30)
3. matching the dead stack (any buy-ins after 7:30).
Any questions can be directed toward the T.D.
The T.D. decision will be final in any dispute.
The new blinds went very smoothly.
I couldn't imagine what time we would have been there if the regular time was being used.
Our favorite time: The bubble list.
4 names: Lori, Quentin, Steve and Alan
The play to pop the bubble was wild:
Quentin goes all-in blind.
He does get a caller and ........................loses.
Quentin popped the bubble going out in 4th place.
Money time:
Alan, Steve and Lori
Going out next in 3rd place was................Lori with a win of $51.
Heads-Up: Steve and Alan
With players with the skill of these two, it always makes for an interesting game.
There was no disappointment here.
They took the game all the way to 1,500 - 3,000.
Alan moved all-in after the flop with a flush draw only to be called quickly by Steve who had top
pair (K's) and the flush didn't hit. Steve had Alan out chipped.
Alan went out in 2nd place with a win of $127
Steve won week 5. He won $255 with the chip.
No new qualifiers this week.
Let's see what the numbers will be next week.
Good luck everyone.

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