Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Season 24 Week 5

(Tuesday nights will be only the tournament)
When people ask where is the best place for tournament poker.......
The answer is always........THE VPL.
Season 24 has given us awhole lot of surprises (some good and some not so good).
We've had to adjust to some growing pains. ie: blind lengths have changed.
We have the beginning qualifiers for the holiday inn: TC, James, Joe and Angela
We also hit one other record last night.
As fast as the blinds were going up, the tournament ended with the blinds at 1,500-3,000.
Two new levels will be added to the blinds:
2,000 - 4,000
3,000 - 6,000
It's just crazy. The blinds start at 5 -10 and ended at 1,500 - 3,000.
Once again, the VPL hosted 30 people at this weeks tournament.
The starting time to register and get on the list is 6:45pm.
When 24 people are present and paid we will draw for seats (doesn't matter what time it is).
The 7:15 bonus time is still in effect.
There are 3 possible levels to start the tournament:
1. full stack of 1,200 (being signed in, paid and there for the draw. even if you are passed #24)
2. full stack of 1,000 (being signed in, paid and there before 7:30)
3. matching the dead stack (any buy-ins after 7:30).
Any questions can be directed toward the T.D.
The T.D. decision will be final in any dispute.
The new blinds went very smoothly.
I couldn't imagine what time we would have been there if the regular time was being used.
Our favorite time: The bubble list.
4 names: Lori, Quentin, Steve and Alan
The play to pop the bubble was wild:
Quentin goes all-in blind.
He does get a caller and ........................loses.
Quentin popped the bubble going out in 4th place.
Money time:
Alan, Steve and Lori
Going out next in 3rd place was................Lori with a win of $51.
Heads-Up: Steve and Alan
With players with the skill of these two, it always makes for an interesting game.
There was no disappointment here.
They took the game all the way to 1,500 - 3,000.
Alan moved all-in after the flop with a flush draw only to be called quickly by Steve who had top
pair (K's) and the flush didn't hit. Steve had Alan out chipped.
Alan went out in 2nd place with a win of $127
Steve won week 5. He won $255 with the chip.
No new qualifiers this week.
Let's see what the numbers will be next week.
Good luck everyone.

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