Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Season 24 Week 7

This week was a very interesting week.

The weather was crazy. There was a tornado warning all day.

If there was a moon to be seen last night I'm sure it would have been full.

I'm sure this caused a shift in the tides.

Let's just get this started.

Week 7 brought together a total of 29 people.

The action was very fast.

We started the night with 4 tables (7, 7,7 &8)

We started the tournament around 7:20. Normal time nothing unusual.

We had the tournament down to two tables at 9:40.

13 people were gone in about 2 1/2 hours.

Would the action slow down.

No, because an hour later at 10:45 the final table was formed.

When the 4th person dropped from the final table, the bubble list was formed.

This list contained: Bart, Steve, Mark, and Jeremy

Within this list there was only one previous qualifier (Steve).

The Bubble was popped at 11:38 by Mark.

Mark went out in 4th place with 27 points.

Money time: Steve, Jeremy and Bart.

At this point we are guaranteed at least one new qualifier.

Going out in 3rd place, 29 points with a win of $49 was Steve.

Just twenty minutes after the money list was created we had our Heads-Up.

At 12:00, the clock was stopped and the heads-up match was set.

With only a few hands in this match a winner was crowned.

Finishing in 2nd place with a win of $123 was.............................Jeremy.

That's right! Week 6's chip and $246 belonged to Bart with a 1st place finish.

Congratulations to Bart and Jeremy for becoming the next two to qualify for the TOC.

Next week will be the final chance to qualify.

You have to play to win!

Good luck everyone.

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